
There's no denying you have plenty of brilliant ideas, but you have to apply them in a practical fashion. This may involve courting an authority figure you don't like, or amending some concepts to make them more marketable. It's easy for an impetuous character like you to get frustrated in the beginning stages. Think in terms of pacing yourself like a marathon runner. If you sprint, you'll be too exhausted to reach the finish line.

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You hate having financial limitations, but that's exactly the situation you're faced with. Instead of lamenting over everything you should have, acknowledge the blessings that are now in your life. Pausing to enjoy these small pleasures will abate your hunger for creature comforts. The sooner you stop appearing anxious, the easier it will be to get the breaks you need to realise a cherished dream.

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Rebelling against your superiors could be a very serious mistake. Although you feel like following orders is cramping your style, it's important to see the merit of following the rules. Obeying regulations will give you the base skills you need to survive. Once you've become an expert, you can then break away and develop your own style. In the meantime, remind yourself you're still just a student.

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The temptation to relax your moral code could lead to some serious problems. Refuse to give in to your baser instincts, or you could get in trouble with authority figures. Worse yet, your conscience could nag you to the point that you're unable to enjoy the fruits of your deception. Friends may tease you about taking the high road, but will come to wish they had patterned their behaviour after yours.

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Earning a high income shouldn't be your primary motivation in pursuing a job. Yes, money is an important factor, but it will be hard to attain if you are unhappy in what you do. Cultivate relationships with folks who work in your desired industry. Under their patronage, you could land a dream job that will seem more like play than work. Let's face it: you're too vivacious to thrive in a dead-end career.

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An overly aggressive attitude could get you into trouble at work if you're not careful. It's easy to get frustrated with a boss that is hesitant to make a decision. However, applying pressure may only compound your problem. Making a strategic retreat is strongly devised. Spend the weekend devising a strategy to manipulate this person in an imperceptible way. It's time to put that crafty mind of yours to use!

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All the drive and determination in the world may not help you up the ladder of success. What you really need is expert knowledge that distinguishes you from the rest of the crowd. Fortunately, you've been blessed with a healthy intellect. Start looking for ways you can apply it toward your desired field. Your employer may even be poised to help you with added tuition costs. It won't hurt to ask.

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Getting involved with an impetuous person could distract you from personal goals. This is fine for the short-term, but there's a problem if you've neglected your favourite activities for over a month. Remember your relationship won't stand a chance unless you're creatively and spiritually fulfilled. If your partner balks at the prospect of your spending time apart, you may want to consider their motives for being with you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Disruptions at home could be undermining a close relationship. Make a list of three things you can do today that will make your domestic routine calmer. Whether it's spending less time at the office, hiring a cleaning person, or eating a relaxed dinner with your loved ones, you need to take action. Letting things spiral out of control may be evidence of your own internal chaos. Why are you opting for war over peace?

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You may be anxious to improve your position through additional training. However, getting the schooling you need may take more time than you anticipated. If it takes years to complete a particular degree, make sure it's one that really speaks to your heart. Otherwise, you'll just be wasting valuable time and energy. Devise a plan to reflect your deepest hopes and wishes. It's the surest way to achieve success.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A lover or child could provide you with divine inspiration; be sure to develop any bright ideas. It is sometimes difficult for you to reveal your tender side. That's why you need to give in to your creative impulses as much as possible. The more you give way to your imagination, the easier it will be for you to break down barriers between you and loved ones. There's a direct link between artistry and emotion.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's important to face reality if you're going to make progress in your personal life. You may not be as emotionally mature as you admit, especially when it comes to family relationships. Try taking a more compassionate stance toward a relative who has always rubbed you up the wrong way. By focusing on this person's positive traits, you'll be able to forge a stronger bond. Having a solid foundation at home will ease romantic problems, too.

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