
Your extreme sensitivity allows you to enact a compromise among warring family members. Articulating everybody's problems in a fair, tactful way helps ease the collective tension. Don't fool yourself into thinking that life will be rosy after today. Fights will still occur, but they'll be much less destructive than the battles that have broken out before. Give yourself a gold star for effort; without your input, chaos would ensue.

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You're not particularly attached to any plan of action, so long as it sits comfortably with the group. In the past, people have kidded you about being stubborn. This is your big chance to show that you're as capable of compromise as everybody else. An authority figure could make unreasonable demands on you. Instead of springing into action or getting defensive, let the weekend go by. By Monday, they'll realise their directives were crazy.

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Being of service to less fortunate people enriches you both materially and spiritually. You're always underplaying your talents. By joining a volunteer organisation, you'll realise how valuable your skills really are. Friends may not understand why you're so willing to work for free. Don't bother explaining. These people have an entirely different set of principles than yours. Focus on what makes you happy, and leave it at that.

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Your imagination takes some intriguing turns today, and you're anxious to launch a new project. Don't be surprised if a business or romantic partner offers to promote your work for free. Your talent is strong enough to prompt incredible acts of generosity. Be realistic when it comes to spending money today. Although you want to have fun, it's important to remember you will eventually have to pay for all your amusements.

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Emotionally, you're feeling stronger and more confident than you have in a long time. That's because your loved ones are applauding your self-improvement efforts. A close friend may interpret these changes as a personal insult. Reassure them you are making these adjustments for your own peace of mind. Eventually, they'll see the wisdom of your decisions and join the ranks of your supporters. In the meantime, you've got to be patient, communicative, and understanding.

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Asking questions yields terrific results, and you'll be glad you took the extra time to probe an expert. This person may be so impressed by your insightful observations that they'll take you on as an apprentice. This relationship will be intellectually stimulating, but physically taxing. Don't agree to do work that causes you undue stress or strain. You're a lot more delicate than you appear. Protect your health; it's too precious to squander.

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Putting money aside for a luxury purchase is better than accumulating credit card debt. Although you're eager to acquire this object, it's important to consider how much work it will cost you. Paying steep interest rates will take away from your enjoyment of this possession. Turn a deaf ear to a child or lover who thinks the world will stop turning if you don't buy something. You know what you can really afford.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You know what you need to be happy, and aren't afraid to ask for it. This makes an especially favourable impression on colleagues, who are anxious to do what you ask, since your demands are so reasonable. Don't expect such service at home, however. Family members may be upset that you haven't been around to attend to their problems. You may have to humour a child or elderly parent out of a vile temper.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have a good sense of what people need to hear in order to be helpful. Negotiating a better interest rate with either a credit card or lending company is possible right now. So is getting a raise or promotion. Don't buy into any superstitious fears. These anxieties will just distract you from doing the work you need to get ahead. Yes, it's scary to take risks, but that's the only way to get ahead.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your friends are more than willing to offer their assistance; all you have to do is ask for it. An older person can open doors to your desired industry. At first, you may be reluctant to become obligated to this character. Eventually, though, you'll see that there are no strings attached to their offer. Before you treat yourself to a celebratory shopping spree, however, consider whether you'll need the money for more essential things.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A spotlight of favourable attention is firmly trained on you, which feels wonderful. Now that all eyes are on you, it may be time to commit to a serious fitness routine. You may also want to pay off some bills that have accumulated over the past few months. Take things one step at a time, however. Right now, you feel like you can scale buildings in a single bound. Setting more realistic goals is advised.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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An eagerness to expand your horizons is met with favour by everyone you know. A romantic interest is particularly excited to see you develop your talents. Ask friends if they have any contacts that can draw you closer to your goals. Studying with a respected teacher will help you overcome any fears or reservations you may have. If your dreams seem unobtainable, put them down in writing. This will make them seem more real.

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