
You're juggling several projects at once, which is just what you enjoy. Someone with your quick wit and determination can perform work in record time. As a result, you're frequently bored. The best way to stay engaged is to have a few irons in the fire. When one becomes tiresome, you can turn your attention to another. Working with a partner can also be satisfying, as your colleague can bring welcome diversions with exciting stories and irreverent remarks.

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A need for financial security prompts you to acquire technological skills. You may want to keep these classes under wraps. In the past, cautious relatives discouraged you from changing career paths. They made you feel silly and irresponsible for your dreams. What they don't realise is that you require a career that brings an element of luxury. Working from one payday to the next will drive you to distraction. Find a field that pays better and has excellent long term prospects.

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Your impulsive nature prompts you to strike in new direction. Taking up a sport, hobby or cause will put you in contact with similarly spontaneous people. Being kept on your toes gives you an attractive glow. You never know what to expect from these friends. Someone with a childish temperament can get on your nerves. Be forthright about how their behaviour is affecting you. Resentment can become toxic if it is left to fester. Working out can also relieve pent up emotions.

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Trust your intuition about a challenging professional situation. Crumbling under pressure will compromise your relationship. Practice staying calm no matter what emergencies arise. If mistakes occur, you'll be able to fix them later. By demonstrating grace under pressure, you'll pave the way for a promotion, pay rise or both. Have you been thinking about switching industries? Work related to police, fire or medical services may appeal to you. You're wonderful at creating order out of chaos.

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A friend is encouraging you to further develop your creative talent. Taking a painting, writing or design class will be a lot more fun than you expect. It helps to be accountable to a demanding teacher. Don't worry if you had difficulty in school when you were a child. Now you're an adult, you will have a lot more control over the situation. You respond well to instructors who use unorthodox techniques to get their ideas across.

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You're determined to get ahead, even if it means working around the clock. Sacrificing your personal life for professional advancement is admirable, but take care not to hurt your loved ones. Friends and family have supported you along the path to success. Abandoning them altogether will cause resentment. Talk about your objectives with loved ones and explain you won't be readily available in the near future. If they feel included in your plans, they won't feel so alienated.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Taking a trip will be a welcome change of pace. You're eager to explore unfamiliar vistas. If you're in a relationship, be sure to take your amour along on this journey. The two of you will benefit from leaving your domestic routine behind. Are you single? You will easily find love on this trip. Keep your eyes open for a rebel whose irreverent remarks make you laugh out loud. A legal decision will be rendered in your favour. Celebrate the good news with a big group of friends.

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You know how to make resources stretch as far as possible. This makes you a hot commodity on the job market. Employers are looking for all sorts of ways to cut costs. You know where to cut money from the budget without making people feel cheated. If you're seeking employment, be sure to emphasise your ability to handle money wisely. This will make you a top contender for an interesting job involving research, writing or reporting. A position with good benefits will soon be offered to you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're very sensitive to the moods of others. A friend who is eager to make a change needs encouragement. Most of their relatives are unhappy with their plans. You're full in favour of this transition. That's probably because you think getting stale is worse than taking risks. By endorsing your friend's arrangements, you'll strengthen your relationship. Your expert knowledge of a cutting edge subject will make their transition much easier. You know how to access information quickly and easily.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Take some time out of your busy schedule to prepare some meals for the week ahead. You'll be less prone to reach for junk food if you have healthy alternatives ready in the refrigerator. Besides, cooking will be a welcome change from the work you normally do. Experimenting with new recipes will be especially rewarding. You have a talent for creating interesting flavour combinations. When you're short of one ingredient, feel free to try a substitute.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There are worse things in life than being thrust into the spotlight. Although you're not especially hungry for fame, it is pleasant when people celebrate your wonderful ideas. The prospect of improving a shabby area of your community appeals to your civic side. Clearing trash, planting flowers and creating pleasant seating areas can bring your neighbours together in a spirit of harmony. That's an increasingly rare experience in this Internet age. Never underestimate the value of face to face contacts.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A relative will recommend you for an unusual job that will be intellectually stimulating and financially rewarding. Put your earnings in an interest bearing savings account. It's important for you to have a financial cushion. This will allow you to pick and choose the sorts of assignments that appeal to your philanthropic side. You're tired of working for companies that encourage selfish behaviour and unethical tactics. This won't be necessary if you have some cash in reserve.

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