
You're a crusader for the underdog. You are getting rather tired of watching powerless people getting pushed around by bullies. Taking a stand will make you vulnerable, but you don't care. You'd rather take a stand against injustice than remain silent. Fortunately, you have a lot of fans who are willing to stand behind you. Once the powers that be realise they are fighting a lost cause, they'll back down. Before that happens you will be threatened with all sorts of punishments. Don't be intimidated.

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You're a lot more determined than people realise. That's because you project a calm, easygoing energy that is often mistaken for laziness. In truth, you are focused on fulfilling your potential. Getting a high profile job or attaining master status will happen so long as you keep plugging away behind the scenes. Don't tell anybody about your journey until the end is in sight. The last thing you need is to hear cautionary tales from well meaning relatives. Anything is possible, so long as you put your mind to it.

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Take a practical approach to your goals. If you want a better job, you need expert training. This will take time, money and effort, but the results will be worth it. Apply to colleges now. If money is a problem, look for grants and scholarships. Filling out the paperwork will be tedious, but the sooner you do it, the closer you will be to your dream. It's all about breaking down big tasks into baby steps. This is where your obsession with small details is invaluable.

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You're more determined than ever to get what you want. Don't let a dismissive relative discourage you from pursuing a dream. Breaking a bad habit, developing a creative project, or achieving financial freedom are among the possibilities. You just have to set your sights on a single goal and work your way towards it. If you encounter an obstacle, pretend like it doesn't exist. The funds or emotional support you need will arrive at the last minute. Persistence is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal.

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People respond well to your particular brand of charm. If you have to deliver bad news, you will do it in a tactful, sympathetic manner. This makes the situation easier for everyone involved. Someone who is very upset by some shocking news will vent their anger. Be respectful and polite throughout this display. Eventually, the harassed person will calm down and offer a heartfelt apology. Thanks to you, the situation will improve and harmony restored. No wonder everyone wants you on their team.

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This is a good time to make an important decision about a business collaboration. You have a choice to go it alone or take on a partner. In the end, you will decide two heads are better than one. You're an extremely capable person, but you only have one pair of hands. Having someone to share work responsibilities will give you more time for friends, family and fun. You must admit you have been too busy. Make some room in your schedule.

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You look much stronger than you actually are. Recovering from a failed friendship or romance has been harder than you pretend. Give yourself a chance to mourn in private. Take a few hours to draw, paint, dance, or play music. Expressing your creative side will be therapeutic. You have something nobody can take away: artistic talent. By polishing it to a diamond like brilliance, you'll be able to thrive in a seemingly indifferent world. Don't worry; love will find you when you least expect it.

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Steel yourself to take charge of a chaotic situation. A lazy relative needs to be asked to do their full share. If they continue piling their work on other people's shoulders, get them to change their ways. By showing your displeasure and refusing financial support, the situation will improve. You hate resorting to such severe tactics, but it's the only way to support the other members of your family. People who fulfil their responsibilities without complaint should be praised, not punished.

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It's difficult to make decisions. You're being pulled in many different directions. Whatever choice you make will result in some disappointment. Instead of trying to please everyone, put your own wants and wishes first and foremost. A demanding workload such as yours requires a sensible approach. Tell people to change their schedule to meet your needs. Be firm. You can't waste valuable time driving all over town to make life easier for everyone else. If someone balks at your demands, tell them you'll have to meet them another day.

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The last thing you would do is hurt someone's feelings with nasty remarks. Although you aren't impressed with a relative or neighbour's efforts, it's important to keep your feelings secret. Very few people possess your talent. Expecting people to perform at your level is an exercise in futility. Offering to help with a community or family project will improve your relationship with this eager beaver. You may not know it, but the person in question really wants your approval.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're good at putting on a brave face. Inside you're afraid of failure. The best way to overcome your fear is to replace negative thoughts with optimistic ones. Every time you hear your inner critic voice doubt or distain, pull up short. Give yourself praise for trying. Patience and persistence will pay off. It's just a matter of pushing yourself forward when you want to run away. If nothing else, you will gain valuable experience. That will be worth any temporary discomfort.

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You're extremely introspective now and prefer to avoid big crowds. Loved ones will worry about your evasive behaviour, so offer as much reassurance as possible. You're not depressed; you just need a chance to connect with your spiritual side. Working with your hands can be soothing. Take this opportunity to fix a broken appliance or go back to an abandoned craft project. Working in silence will allow you to finally hear a message your spirit has been trying to send.

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