
It may be difficult to find the peace and quiet you need to finish a project. Instead of putting more pressure on yourself to finish, ask to extend a deadline. That way, you won't be forced to perform under impossible conditions. Hiring a babysitter, escaping to the library or telecommuting could be solutions to your problem. Discuss the matter with an authority figure who is flexible and compassionate.

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An unstable friendship could be causing you lots of strife. You've always prided yourself in putting trust in people who are reliable and strong. Now it seems as though you've made a mistake. Actually, this isn't the case. The person in question has been suffering from a lot of strain, and has changed since you first met. If you must part, so be it. Just don't blame yourself for having poor judgment.

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It's difficult for you to see eye-to-eye with an authority figure. You may feel as though this person is making unfair demands. Before you issue an ultimatum, consider what is being asked of others who have held your position. Maybe your situation isn't that unusual after all. It's also possible that your behaviour needs some adjustment. At least give your boss's suggestions a try before you reject them altogether.

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Reading and observing are all well and good, but nothing can take the place of hands-on experience. If you'd really like to learn about a particular issue, take a job as an apprentice. Launch a craft project. Try fixing something yourself, instead of hiring an expert. Your confidence will soar once you realise that you can actually apply your knowledge to practical matters. Don't let a few failed attempts deter you from your goal.

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Your sexual interest in a partner could fluctuate wildly today. One minute, you're panting with passion, and the next, you couldn't care less about making love. Your attitude is bewildering, to say the least. If you've already got a mate, explain what you are feeling, so that your mixed messages won't cause a panic. In the event you are single, avoid indiscriminate flirting, or you could find yourself in a compromising position!

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A business associate or romantic partner is giving you cause for concern. This person is apt to fly off the handle at the smallest disturbance. A direct confrontation would be unwise. You're better off making a strategic retreat. If there is any important work to be conducted, do it yourself. Your partner is apt to let small details fall through the cracks. After you've finished these tasks, take a short trip.

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Old routines seem positively unbearable right now, but you must play by the rules. Asking for special favours will only create resentment among your peers. If you long for a creative outlet, find one after hours. Painting, writing and dancing are all great ways to blow off steam. In fact, such activities may give you the courage to find a job that is more varied and challenging. Until then, do what your boss expects.

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You may be feeling antisocial right now, preferring to focus on personal matters. Friends are taking a dim view of your behaviour, and could drift out of your orbit if you're not careful. Right now, that may not seem like such a bad thing, but once this obsession loses its hold over you, you'll want your pals again. Make an effort to connect with your loved ones. Explain why you've been so distant and preoccupied.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Difficulties with family members prompt you to spend more time at work, where you are appreciated and while it's nice to get all this approval and praise from your boss, you will always be related to the same group of people. It's time to put your differences aside for the sake of domestic harmony. Moving to your own place, setting up firm personal boundaries, and forgiving past misdeeds are all things worth trying.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Beware of jumping to conclusions, as this can get you into hot water. The urge to gossip is rooted in boredom. If you find yourself speculating about somebody's private life, it's probably because you yearn for adventure. Take the high road by doing something out-of-character. Venture out to a neighbourhood you've never visited. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. Dress in a style that is contrary to your own taste.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Beware of reckless expenditure, as it could undermine your security. You've always prided yourself on being more of a humanitarian than a capitalist, but this shouldn't mean you're willing to risk all the fruits of your labour for the sake of appearing to do the right thing. If you're going to make a donation to charity, research the organisation in question. It's important that your money is handled in a fair and appropriate way.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may be avoiding an unpleasant situation, pretending it's really not serious. This attitude will only compound the problem. The sooner you face the facts, the better. It's possible a romantic relationship is falling apart at the seams. If so, you've got to confront your partner. Find out what you can do to salvage your partnership. A temporary separation could be beneficial for you both. Think about it.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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