
You're ready to move forward with an important project. In the past, people complained you were too pushy. They resented your aggressive behaviour. You can be successful without being insensitive. After promoting your agenda, listen carefully to people's concerns about your plan. The chance to fulfil a childhood dream will fall in your lap. Friends will be supportive of this quest. Lean on them for support when you become discouraged. Your loved ones will pick you up and help you across the finish line.

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Withdrawing from public view can be therapeutic. Recently, you've been extremely social. Attending parties has been lots of fun, but it has also been draining. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Continuing to push yourself will lead to burnout. Launching a job search will lift your spirits. Take this opportunity to send out applications, attend employment fairs and join professional organisations. The more you spread the word of your quest, the greater your chances for landing a dream position.

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Lots of people want an audience with you. They're trying to influence your opinion. While you value getting feedback, you're determined to make the best choice. If that means making an unpopular decision, so be it. Have the courage of your convictions. Studying with an inspirational teacher will give you a new lease on life. Stop telling yourself it's too late or inconvenient to delve into a fascinating subject. You've been blessed with a keen intellect; continue to sharpen it.

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Being in the public eye brings out your skills and talents. Taking control of an important project gives you a sense of purpose. Instead of following the lead of rivals, strike in another direction. It's better to be a pioneer than a copycat. A physical attraction is too powerful to resist. If you're in a serious relationship, this may be a sign that changes must happen to this alliance. Instead of treating each other like relatives, return to the courtship phase that brought you together.

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Moving in a new direction is scary but exciting. Although you enjoy a comfortable routine, it's no longer serving you well. Be ready to move into a new role at work or home. It will take time to learn the ropes, so be patient. Listen to your best friend or romantic partner about a technical issue. If they think you should upgrade your car, phone or computer, it's probably a good idea. Stop clinging to a machine that no longer serves you well.

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Teamwork is the name of the game. Someone who has proven their loyalty has good advice. When you are unsure which path to take, ask your business or romantic partner for guidance. They'll point you in the right direction, keeping your best interests at heart. Becoming more active is strongly advised. In health circles, sitting is considered the new smoking. Even taking a brisk walk every day can inhibit illness. If you don't like the idea of working out alone, join an exercise class that sounds intriguing.

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A business arrangement will be a mixed bag. There are some things about this partnership that will work to your advantage, giving you more room for creative expression. Give thanks for this opportunity, as it could bring fame and acclaim. Someone who thinks you are utterly fascinating will try to win your heart. This attention is flattering. If you're single, you'll enjoy going out with this offbeat adventurer. Are you in a relationship? Make it clear where your loyalty is.

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Breaking a pattern will be liberating. You've enjoyed building something of lasting value, but your work is finished. It's time to move to greener pastures. Look for a new job, find another hangout or embark on a different exercise programme. A home improvement project will increase your appreciation of your surroundings. Never underestimate the impact of modern conveniences. Any change designed to save time and make life easier is worth implementing. A generous relative can give you the funds to make this happen.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Make time for fun. You're a light-hearted person who doesn't take life too seriously. Although you have a lot of responsibilities on your plate, that doesn't mean you must be churning out work without a break. Paint the town red with your favourite person. Good news about a community problem will reach your ears. A local troublemaker could come to justice or a noisy construction project will finally be finished. Take this opportunity to celebrate with your neighbours.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Respect your emotions. If the thought of carrying out a boring routine fills you with dread, take the day off. Do something that fills you with excitement instead. You're a person, not a robot. Becoming more spontaneous will make life more joyous. An unusual moneymaking opportunity is on the horizon. You'll have to work hard to turn a profit, but the results will be well worth it. At long last, you'll have the funds to buy a new car, upgrade your kitchen or take a trip around the world.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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After a period of stagnation, things will leap forward. You'll have to make a snap decision. This makes you uncomfortable. When it comes to making choices, you prefer to draw on facts. Reliable information isn't available now. You'll have to trust your instincts. Staying active is critical to your health. If you're recovering from an injury, focus on intellectually challenging tasks. Start a hobby-based project, do some crossword puzzles and participate in an online community. Exercise your brain instead of zoning out.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have an opportunity to increase your income. If you're interested in a job, you will face stiff competition. Compile some work samples and do some research into the company before going on an interview. Being prepared will put you ahead of the pack. Volunteering for a charitable organisation is strongly advised. Choose a cause that is dear to your heart. Devoting your time, energy and resources to making the world a better place will boost your confidence.

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