
Obey a desire for privacy. Recently, you've been rubbing elbows with a variety of people. Although their company was stimulating, it also sapped you of energy. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and reflect. It's possible you had a discussion that sparked a creative idea. Launching this project will fill you with enthusiasm. It would be best to keep your work a secret, especially in the early stages. The last thing you want is for a cynic to discourage you from developing a brilliant concept.

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Friendship with artistic people will fuel your own imagination. Take time out of your busy schedule to make something that gives you pleasure. It could be anything from an outfit to a cake to a bookshelf. The important thing is to devote your energy to something other than paid work. Your love of routine gives you a tendency to get bogged down in boring tasks. Mix things up by engaging your imagination. Doing activities for pure fun will keep boredom at bay.

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A career that draws on your imagination will bring out the best in you. Well intentioned friends and relatives will discourage you from this work, saying it won't pay the bills. Ignore this advice. You've been blessed with a sharp mind. A successful company will be happy to welcome you aboard. You always fare best when encouraged to invent products and services. Following old formulas holds very little interest. If you can't find a job in your own line, think about launching your own business.

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An interest in philosophy or religion may prompt you to travel overseas. Going on a pilgrimage will be more fun than you thought. Although you feel a strong connection to home, it's important for you to escape familiar surroundings. Being in a strange place opens up possibilities you have not considered. Just because you were raised to hold certain beliefs or live a particular way does not mean you have to realise these expectations. Explore your own conscience and do what is right for you.

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Obey a profound insight that occurs while you're doing routine work. Someone who you thought was your friend has actually been working against you. They've been complimenting you to get into your good graces. Then, when your guard is down, they have taken advantage of your generosity. Put an end to this dynamic. Change your password, put a lock on the door and take additional security measures. It's also important to keep your financial statements locked away from prying eyes.

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It feels like you can read a loved one's mind. You're working in perfect harmony together. Instead of arguing over trivial matters, you reach compromises with very little effort. Outsiders are jealous of your bond, recognising it to be very special. When someone gives you a backhanded compliment about this alliance, just smile and remain silent. There's no point in getting drawn into an argument with a person who is incapable of real intimacy. A loving relationship needs unconditional love.

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Work related to art, entertainment or music will be highly successful. Your impeccable taste will go a long way towards a project's success. Instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator, you'll maintain high standards. The results will be impressive and lead to other assignments. People will recognise your name as someone who can deliver beautiful artwork that is both critically acclaimed and popularly received. You may be in such demand you'll have to hire an assistant.

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Retreating to a fantasy world is strongly advised. You've always been a hardworking, resourceful person. Getting mired in responsibility can dull your creative edge. Devote quality time to an idea that fills you with excitement. Dreaming about a creative project, personal breakthrough or windfall will prompt you to take one small step towards your goal. This action will lead to another and another until you finally cross the finish line. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

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It feels good to take a step away from public life and enjoy time at home. Let an attentive relative shower you with affection. It's time you were pampered and petted. If you live far away from your kin, schedule a reunion. It's important to stay connected with people who have known you since childhood. These relationships give you a sense of continuity that is comforting during times of change. Were these connections toxic? Then create a loving support network compromised of friends, neighbours and colleagues.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You will get a flirtatious message on social media. It is gratifying to know there are people who find you utterly captivating. If you're looking for love, enter the dating scene again. You could meet someone special at a cinema, theatre or spiritual group. Do you have a partner? Arrange to take a short break with your amour. Go somewhere that you can escape the distractions of modern life. Being far from computers and phones will pave the way for a satisfying intimate interlude.

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Keep financial plans a secret. You have a lot of good prospects ahead, but many of your friends are struggling. Talking about money can create jealousy. If you feel compelled to help someone, do it by stealth. Leave some cash in a place where a loved one will easily find it. They'll put it to good use. It's hard to accept assistance when there seems to be strings attached. Your only motive is to make someone's life a little bit easier. The Universe will reward you.

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Trust your instincts about making a personal change. If a current arrangement is no longer making you happy, you will find a better situation. It's simply a matter of following where your heart leads. Moving to the seaside, transitioning into a creative field or undergoing a health regime are among the possibilities. Don't announce your plans; this will cause critics to come out of the woodwork. You aren't accountable to anyone else but yourself. The transformation you want is within reach.

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