
Working behind the scenes will advance your career. An influential contact will appreciate your no nonsense attitude towards work. Instead of demanding fame and acclaim, you focus on doing a good job. As a result, you'll be given an impressive promotion. Are you looking for work? You can land a good position at a government agency, hospital or university. A low level position will lead to bigger and better opportunities. Your bright ideas and initiative will impress the people around you.

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A cultured friend will introduce you to an artist you really enjoy. Learn everything you can about their work. There's a reason you feel such a powerful connection to this material. It's urging you to express your own creative side. Go to the art supply store and pick up materials that excite your imagination. Playing around with different colours and materials will yield impressive results. Let yourself make mistakes, especially in the early stages. Accidents lead to exciting breakthroughs.

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A wonderful job with plenty of perks will be offered to you. You'll enjoy working in a creative field that requires a lot of brainstorming. Instead of being scared of being assessed on the strength of your ideas, you'll be stimulated by the process. The secret to your success is a willingness to look foolish. The most brilliant concepts sound silly at first. You're able to withstand jeering remarks for the sake of innovation. As a result, you will reach professional heights you never dreamed possible.

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You will find love when travelling. Be open to chatting with someone who expresses interest. You'll quickly discover you have a great deal in common. They'll adore your offbeat sense of humour, while you'll admire their professional accomplishments. This will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. If you already have a partner, you'll discover a much deeper level of love on this trip. Prepare for a powerful breakthrough. Being in unfamiliar surroundings can reveal hidden depths in each other.

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Doing work you love turns you into a money magnet. Stop listening to relatives who urge you to pursue a more practical line of work. You've been blessed with strong creative skills. Taking a job in the arts will put you on the path to success. If you're not looking for work, pour more energy into maintaining your health. Getting more sleep and exercise will give you an attractive glow that is impossible to resist. Don't be surprised when you start turning heads wherever you go.

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If you don't have a partner, that will quickly change. Your charisma is at an all-time high. Several admirers will compete for your attention at a social gathering. Bask in the attention and then focus on the one who engages you on an intellectual level. You'll make a powerful love connection. Are you attached? Plan a romantic trip for you and your amour. Head for a place famous for its natural beauty. Being surrounded by gorgeous flora and fauna stimulates your sensual side.

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Working from home will be rewarding. Although you like your colleagues, they can wear on your nerves. You're a person who likes variety. Spending time with the same people each day can dull your sensibilities. Talk with your employer about telecommuting a few days each week. If that's not possible, think about running your own business. This will give you more opportunities to meet new people. Someone with your sparking personality should have no problem cultivating more contacts.

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A shameless flirt knows exactly what to say to get your pulse pounding. You love trading witty remarks with this admirer. If you're single, it's only a matter of time before you become a couple. Beyond the obvious physical chemistry between you, you also have a lot of interests in common. This is a match made in heaven. Do you already have a partner? Share your most heartfelt thoughts and emotions with the one you love and together you can forge something really special.

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Spending more time at home will be therapeutic. Although you're highly social, friends can drain your energy. Quiet moments with your nearest and dearest will restore your spirits. In the past, you resisted getting too deeply entrenched in domestic pursuits. Now you realise how rewarding a happy home life can be. Get into the habit of cooking meals with your relatives or roommates. If you're on your own, create a relaxing routine that helps you unwind after hours.

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Follow someone's book, movie or music recommendation. You'll be pleasantly surprised by this material. Releasing preconceived notions about what you like will put you on an exciting new path. A powerful desire to make your own art should be pursued. You've always prided yourself on being highly practical. This has caused you to underplay your imagination. You're much more artistic than you believe. Give yourself a chance to develop your hidden talent. Art will give you a new lease on life.

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Acquiring expertise will improve your prospects. You've always preferred looking at the big picture, leaving the detail work for others. Knowing how to perform every aspect of a job will increase your value to an organisation. You'll be able to solve problems and if one assignment dries up, you'll be able to find another with relative ease. You might be pleasantly surprised at how much money you can make performing basic work. Having an impressive title doesn't necessarily mean a big salary.

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Develop a creative project in secret. Once you're satisfied with your work, you'll be able to submit it for review. Slowly but surely, you'll gain a respected name in the artistic world. Other imaginative friends will inspire you to further develop your skills. In the past, you were defensive about your passion for painting, writing or handicrafts. Now you know people who share your love of art, you're more comfortable in your skin. The best cure for insecurity is finding a peer group.

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