
Your love of action will have you charging into difficulties unless you make a conscious effort for self- control. Friends might flock to the shops but whose money are they spending? Don’t be so quick to splash out on impulse and consider the need to be more shrewd in personal budgeting.

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Dealings with a parent or authority figure takes it out of you, and unless you get him or her to listen life will be tough. Air your grievances openly and demand you are taken seriously and the respect you deserve. Prove you are a responsible adult and need no-one’s approval but your own.

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If you haven’t already had the chance then seek moments for personal privacy in order to iron out a few hidden but important problems. Early morning trends tend to bring unforeseen difficulties but after a nerve-wracking delay, you could reach an important goal as evening comes around.

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An outstanding debt or overdue bill causes contention but it’s more than money driving a coach and horses through a relationship. Financial problems don’t mean an affair is doomed and destined for the scrap heap. It all boils down to jumping to conclusions and not talking commonsensically.

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Unexpected conditions linked to a personal or professional situation has an unsettling effect. You could get caught up in an upsetting contretemps which leads to total over-reaction. Someone megalomaniac uses a sledgehammer to crack a walnut and as such things could veer out of control. Keep calm.

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You knew sooner or later you would have to introduce new appliances into the home or workplace and it looks as if that day has come. Specialised equipment not only helps you carry out a job more efficiently but it also makes for a better outcome. Word soon gets round you’re state of the art.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You can’t put every injustice on the planet to rights, but you can defend someone you know who is being wrongly persecuted. It doesn’t matter whether it’s down to discrimination, prejudice or bigotry, it’s not in you to stand by and watch someone suffer through no fault of their own.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Okay, so maybe you can’t reach an agreement over a household suggestion but why be tempted to scrap an idea altogether, just because it wasn’t your idea? The only loser will be you if you discard perfectly fine plans designed ultimately to improve your circumstances.

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A seething Wednesday when whatever your plans, your mind is willing but your body ain’t. Stress or nervous tension could result in mysterious or hard-to-diagnose ailments slowing down progress to a minimum and frustrating you even further. Heed physical signs and learn to relax more.

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Everyone deserves a treat and you’re no exception so take the chance to lighten up. Don’t allow your conscience to spoil the good time in store for you. Although I agree some people aren’t as reliable as you, it’s a case of horses for courses and you can’t be good at everything.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Tension in the family could be down to the generation gap and no matter how long you battle it out, you’ll never agree. No-one is right or wrong so stop arguing, start listening and you could all learn from taking a live-and-let-live view of current hassles born of pure pigheadedness.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Keep your wits about you if you’re out to impress or influence someone. Unless you have proof to back up your ideas, you’ll leave yourself open to misinterpretation. Stay in charge today by anticipating what could go wrong and being ready with alternative suggestions and solutions.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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