
Your initial enthusiasm for a joint project is blunted by some sudden tension in relationships. Another person's attitude or behaviour could worry you. Because of your uncertainties you're reluctant to commit to anything of a long term nature. The need to please a partner or close friend might suddenly become redundant; is this because of something you've just heard about them? Must you believe all you hear?

Get todays Aries horoscope
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People including you are allowing trivial, side issues to divert their attention. If you don't make an effort and get other people organised, a team effort is more likely to resemble the blind leading the blind! A short period of confusion stems from everyone running around looking busy but in actual fact, doing nothing! Close relationships will benefit from any extra effort you're willing to make to understand those you love and care for.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A friend might bring a romantic problem to your doorstep. You might listen and sympathise but that's as far as it should go. Keep any comments to yourself. No matter what you think, love is blind and your mate is apt to go away and make the same mistake again in the future. It's a day to hold back before putting your thoughts in writing. The wrong person could get a hold of this and use it against you in the future.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Intuition is a better guide than cold logic in emotional and social issues. You've always been able to trust your feelings even if they tell you the opposite to what your mind is saying. After a tumultuous time with a close relationship, you're starting to see your world begin to stabilise. You have a better idea of what the future might hold. The more sure and secure your position appears to be the more you will be able to relax your guard.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You've never found it easy to mix with those who are authoritarian and inflexible. You might find it hard to abide by another person's instructions or systems today. If others don't give clear explanations as to why they want to implement new routines or try new approaches to routine work, you won't be happy to go along with their requests. If the person you're opposing is in a higher position this could cause a lot of friction.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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An incident or event today could put you in full view of the public. Having to make a speech or take a seminar will be easier if you have a partner's support alongside you. You're involved with other people more than usual and this social interlude might include those beyond your immediate circle of acquaintances. You've always been articulate and today you will be even more forceful than ever in expressing your ideas.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A man's involvement in something you do regularly could add a new dimension to day to day activities. This could bring new insights into a professional involvement. Someone who is something of a specialist comes to your aid with a technical project. It's a good day to push for a little extra in appreciation or recognition if you're working in a group and a lot of the progress is down to your imaginative ideas.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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What's important today is to try to bring any hidden fears and worries out into the open. Refuse to allow powerful feelings to influence you in such a way that you can't deal with a serious incident in an appropriate manner. If you confront others with problems or uncertainties the accommodating way they respond could take you by surprise. Even if you're expecting criticism or rebuff, the opposite is likely to transpire.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A partner is making plans too far into the future when you would rather just take each day as it comes. Others are keen to give you the benefit of their experience but you don't want to listen. Conversely, you might find yourself in a situation where, despite having strong views about some issues, you will be outnumbered or outflanked by those who oppose you. Accept it, you're out of step with the band today.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone you trusted could renege on a promise; this is one of those days when you find out who your real friends are. Don't listen to what other people advise especially if they're trying to discourage or deter you. If you're planning ahead and you're excited about the plans you're making, have faith in your decisions. No matter what your age, you are never too old to try something new!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're liable to throw them all back if too many duties and responsibilities are dumped in your lap. Friction in relationships is the result of someone thinking they have the absolute right to tell others what to do. You're ready to say something to the contrary and you know this will cause some ill feeling. If this is a long standing relationship there is all the more reason to be forthright

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Even though you're under pressure to meet deadlines you have never felt so vibrant and lively. You're doing your best to stay realistic and to keep to achievable goals. This attitude along with your confidence and vitality is bound to bring success your way. Despite your practical attitude, sharing private dreams with someone who shares the same wavelength could have remarkable results.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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