
A new set of responsibilities comes at a time when you could do with reducing your commitments. If possible, try to sweet talk someone who has time on their hands to tie up the loose ends of old jobs you're working on. An institution or individual might offer to pull a few strings to help you move forward with your personal interests. You're grateful for their help but this might be one instance when regrettably you will have to turn them down.

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Someone who is younger must learn to accept there are things in life they might want, but can't have. You need patience when with a friend or relative who is unwilling to face facts. Although eventually reality will sink in, it will take time. As frustrating as it may be, work will proceed in a series of fits and starts due to other people being in an uncertain frame of mind. Since you can't be sure of receiving their help when you need it most you might be better off working alone.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The latest scandal is being discussed; resist the urge to join the conversation. If you participate you could become the subject of the next piece of gossip to do the rounds. A person who is gifted in embellishing situations to make them more intriguing is having a heyday today. A rather messy state of affairs could have something to do with a recent event that can be interpreted in a number of ways. You should keep your views to yourself.

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Your commitments are such, a loved one might have to step in and do you the odd favour or two. There is nothing better than knowing there are people willing to help out without expecting anything for it. You might restore the balance of your relationship by offering to do something for them. Efforts made in the past to improve your professional life will be coming to fruition now but don't give in to a temptation to rest on your laurels; you have to keep the pressure on.

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Someone who was once so caring and thoughtful, now seems more like a busybody, interfering in everything they can. Maybe the positive response to their past solicitous deeds has gone to their heads and now they think no one can manage without them! They need reminding there is a line distinguishing care from meddling and once they've reached that limit they shouldn't go beyond it. A discreet word might do the trick.

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If a friend or colleague continues to engage in volatile and fickle behaviour you're going to have to say something. You should not give in to them when they're being demanding and disruptive. You're seeing a side to someone now who isn't what you expected and this is all because things aren't going their way. Whilst it's true you will sense their frustration and upset, you also know they can't get away with this. There's just no point in encouraging such childish antics.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're being pushed and pulled from all sides and all you want now is to get away from it all! There's a distinct temptation to take off and leave other people to it. Do this if you must but will it make your problems go away? No, they'll still be there when you return! There is no doubt you have an incredible amount to do but you can cope in the right frame of mind. Catching up on a backlog of minor jobs you've let build up recently could help lower the pressure.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone you meet at an event or organisation could inform you of an opening that seems just made for you. It may not have been your intention to make any changes in your professional life but this has financial advantages that you can't possibly ignore. The company of extravert and cheerful people does a lot to ease the underlying tension you've recently been under. In fact events today will restore your spirits to their usual exuberant level!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Complications arising today can only be dealt with by foregoing fixed aspirations. Your pursuit to bring about a personal dream or desire may not correspond with a partner or loved one's aims and this is causing discord between you. What it all boils down to is deciding what's the most important: your love life or your private goals? Responding to a partner so as to develop your relationship in a positive way will mean finding a compromise. The choice is yours.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Ideas shared in the workplace need to be discussed further if they are to be understood. You might wonder whether it's worth taking part when one person seems to be having the biggest input. It's entirely possible their suggestions won't be half as practical as the ones you come up with. So, share your thoughts and this will help generate additional, possibly better options. Even so chaotic conditions at work are likely to continue a wee while longer.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Despite your best efforts to perfect a job you're working on, you might still feel disappointed with the results. Maybe you built your hopes up too high as no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to bring about your best expectations. The process of retracing your footsteps and starting all over again may not be a pleasing option. You have reached the stage now when either you do this, or you give up altogether and accept there are some things you're never going to be able to do.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A fresh look at an old problem could throw up some new ideas and you will wonder why they've not been considered before. All of a sudden you feel more optimistic for the future. You've been so busy lately focusing on various perceived problems and difficulties that you simply left yourself with no time to dwell on the numerous positives. Now you realise some hurdles will be easily overcome, you are also noticing you've got a lot to be grateful for.

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