
Boredom may be difficult to stave off but sticking to a routine is essential if you intend to get some jobs out of the way. Don't allow distractions to take you away from the task in hand. It may not be easy to keep your interest up but the quicker you get on with it, the sooner you get to put an unpleasant task or lesson behind you. By the way, don't try to take the easy way out by cutting corners or there's every chance you will have it all to do again.

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Blunders which prove costly are not of your making but you may have to suffer the consequences. A friend or colleague's careless mistake could mean everyone has to pull together to try to sort out the resulting mess. A journey you didn't plan may be all the more frustrating when you encounter delays and other setbacks. Even if you triple checked everything there seems to be no avoiding some hassles today.

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Remind a colleague of all the favours you've done for them in the past if that's what it takes to get them to pull their weight. You're inclined to go off on a tangent when you see an injustice done or witness an act of discrimination. Watch your mouth and wait until you've cooled down before you say or do anything. You're more likely to gain other people's respect if you stay calm. You might even be approached to help design an equal-rights policy.

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Someone is making some discreet moves in the background of your life; these are soon to come out into the open. If all goes according to their plans, you're about to receive an offer you aren't likely to want to refuse. It might seem as if someone's prying into your business when they start questioning you about your future plans, preferences and desires but go along with them for now. It is entirely possible they need answers before they can set up a surprise that's going to delight you.

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Your aim should now be to make changes that are currently underway as trouble-free as possible. If you're inviting someone to live with you or you're moving in with a partner, ask all questions that are on your mind. If changes are being made within a corporate environment and these are likely to affect you, again you need to know exactly how. The more aware you are of exactly what is going on, the more certain you will feel about your decisions.

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Expect a day filled with meetings, appointments, phone calls, targets to meet and presentations. You need more security in your life now and you will find this through building positive relationships with those who have a say in your future. If you feel a change of appearance might positively reflect on the way others see you, go with a look that mirrors how you feel inside. Others can't fail to notice your increased levels of confidence.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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There is no easy way to deal with someone who constantly opposes your plans. Most of today's frustrations come from people who are sticklers for routine and won't experiment with new ideas. You've always been tactful and it is unlikely you will lose your temper even when others are being blinkered and narrow minded. In fact, you're doing your best to make allowances for someone who has recently been living on the edge of their nerves.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone's suspicious behaviour will make it hard for you to relax even when you should be able to let your guard down. Fortunately for you, your intuition could prove correct and you will be in a position to take avoiding action when you sense a mishap is about to occur. There could be a delay over money causing you some financial frustration. Don't get involved in any kind of risk where the stakes are high.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your nerves are on edge as you project yourself into the future and realise all you are in for. It is entirely possible you've accepted responsibilities or taken on a job others have tried to advise you against. You're well aware of the pressure this will put on you but the challenge is also exciting and makes you feel good about yourself. Do some reading to be sure you're up-to-date with any techniques you've not used in a while.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It might seem like an invasion of privacy when a friend or colleague goes through your personal possessions or if a lover starts reading your emails and text messages. Their excuse might seem rather lame and you can't help wondering why they're prying into aspects of your life they have no business to meddle in. No matter how much they argue, don't let anyone treat you in a way you find unacceptable

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A sudden and totally unplanned event early in the day could knock your equilibrium out of kilter. Even if it might seem to some as if this is a situation that must be dealt with urgently, you disagree. Trying to explain you have equally as important business of your own will be like talking to a brick wall. Hopefully you will be able to arrange it so you can fit everything in today, even though it will be a tight squeeze.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you're feeling a little miserable or sorry for yourself, your best plan might be to creep into a corner and stay there. It's not a good time to start anything new. If anything keep your head down and content yourself with tying-up loose-ends. Better still; spend a wee while watching the world go by. A day of people watching could help put your own needs into perspective.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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