
Don't let boredom keep you from enjoying a period of stability. You've worked hard to establish a secure foundation. Resist the temptation to blow it to bits. You've always loved adventure. You can cultivate excitement without putting yourself in danger. Take a trip to an exotic land. Launch a creative project. Ask an elusive interest for a date. If you feel compelled to gamble, buy a single lottery or raffle ticket. Don't risk all your hard earned money on a slim chance.

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This isn't a good time to rest on your laurels. It's important for you to plant a few more seeds before you relax. Send out some CV's and job queries. Continue to acquire professional skills. Network with people in your desired field. The more feelers you put out, the more opportunities you will attract. Soon, you'll be able to pick and choose assignments, instead of accepting every offer that comes along. The most successful people always keep their eyes firmly fixed on the horizon. Follow their leads.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You have to pay your dues like everybody else. There are no free rides. Don't waste time harbouring jealous thoughts over someone who got their job through family connections. They have challenges that aren't visible to the naked eye. The best way for you to get ahead is to outperform the competition. Fortunately, this isn't difficult for you. You're the most capable person in the organisation. Keep those stellar performances coming. Slowly but surely, you'll rise up the ladder of success.

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You can't control anyone else, but you can take responsibility for your own behaviour. Ignore a manipulative relative's attempts to command the spotlight. You have an opportunity to build a family of your own with a romantic interest. Joining forces with someone who loves and admires you will be empowering. Soon, you'll take risks you wouldn't have contemplated in the past. Pursuing your dream job will be scary but exhilarating. It's time to find an outlet for your leadership skills.

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You're feeling better about your romantic and financial prospects. Instead of trying to meet everyone else's approval, you're intent on satisfying your own needs. Be kind to yourself. Buy yourself a reward for your hard work. Make this gift something special that will bring long term pleasure. Every time you catch sight of this token, your confidence will soar. If you get disappointing news about work, don't go into an emotional tailspin. Treat it as an impetus to find a better job.

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Refusing help is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Don't let pride get in the way of progress. If a friend or relative offers you a job, take it. This will be a welcome opportunity to build some financial stability. Of course, you would prefer landing a position on the basis of your talent. That will happen later, when you're in a more secure position. Right now, you have to seize every opportunity that becomes available. Being choosy will only lead to more problems.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Be specific about setting goals. Drifting along the river of life will result in lost opportunities. You don't have to be especially ambitious. Focusing on being happy with your current situation is a worthwhile aim. Take a few minutes of each day to make a gratitude list. Jot down five things that make your life comfortable, easy and pleasant. Soon, your blessings will expand exponentially. It will feel like you have a greater measure of control over your destiny.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Don't fall victim to feelings of jealousy. A talented colleague may be more capable than you, but that doesn't mean you should be at odds. Working together will be instructive. You'll learn to adopt better work habits. Best of all, you'll find ways to be more effective and efficient. Resist the temptation to spread gossip about your rival. Repeating nasty stories will only reflect badly on you. Be a force for positive energy in your workplace. You'll be rewarded with a promotion or raise.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Trying to multitask is an exercise in futility. Stop trying to do two several things at once and focus on what is most important. If that means missing a deadline or skipping an appointment, so be it. The world won't fall apart. Friends will accuse you of being neglectful, but it can't be helped. They don't realise just how stressful life has become. Be more communicative about your situation. This will keep misunderstandings to a minimum. Have faith, your loved ones will understand.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Stop worrying about money. The abundance you seek will come when you give thanks for your blessings. The Universe rewards those who are focused on what they have, rather than those obsessed with what they lack. If you've been looking for a job, make a small donation to your favourite charity. Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger. Run an errand for a sick neighbour. You'll notice an immediate improvement in your financial circumstances.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't place too much importance on your role at work. There's more to you than a job title. If your personal relationships have been neglected, take this opportunity to rectify the situation. Devoting more time to your nearest and dearest will make you less angry and resentful about career setbacks. You'll realise you are much luckier than you thought. You can cultivate inner peace when you have a supportive social network. Stop striving for money and status to fill an emotional void.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It really is a gift to have a simple life. If you're overwhelmed with work, turn your attention to activities that quiet your mind and soothe your soul. Listening to soft music, stroking a pet or strolling through the park will calm your nerves. Instead of being consumed by fear, you'll realise everything is perfectly fine. When problems arise, you can deal with them in a thoughtful manner. Until that time, focus on living in the moment. Say a prayer of gratitude, even if it seems counterintuitive.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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