
Don't listen to your inner critic. Beating yourself up for taking a break is unproductive. Even a dynamo like you needs to rest from time to time. Let your colleagues pick up the slack while you catch up on your sleep. Be gracious at a work gathering. Limit your intake of alcohol, as you'll want to be on your toes at this gathering. You can always kick back and relax once the event is over. This is not a good time to mix business with pleasure.

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A friend isn't telling you the full story. They may claim to be the victim of bad luck, but there's something more sinister at work. An addiction or obsession could be the reason for their financial misfortune. Giving them money will create a deeper problem. A creative project will hit a snag. Trying to push through with your original strategy will be a waste of valuable energy. Instead, it's better to take a few steps backward and survey other options.

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You're not very happy with your employer. Their vague instructions have created chaos. It's time to get some clear directions. If you can't get a straight answer, start looking for another position. Life is too short to be kept in a holding pattern. Relatives are trying to protect you from taking a risk. You're tired of their lack of faith. Complaints will only fall on deaf ears. When it comes to career plans, it's best to remain silent. This will help you stay focused on achieving your goals.

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Beware of falling victim to an expensive fad. A celebrity who pretends to have all the answers is making money on the public's desire for a miracle cure. If you're seeking inspiration, turn your attention inward. Your spirit knows what is best for you. It will take more time than expected to master a skill. Once you realise just how difficult a certain job is, you'll have newfound respect for a relative or neighbour. Make a point to show your admiration for this talented individual.

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Don't lead a romantic partner down the garden path. Hidden resentments will eventually erupt, causing a big fight. It's time to lay your cards on the table. If you're not interested in maintaining a serious commitment, be honest. You must be cruel to be kind. Trying to fill an emotional void with material goods is wasteful. When you feel lonely or afraid, reach out to a supportive friend. Simply spending some quality time together will replace anxiety with contentment.

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You're fed up with a romantic or business partner. Their inability to fulfil promises has put you in a bad situation. Although they have many good qualities, they aren't suited to a close collaboration. Move on; you shouldn't be expected to carry all the weight. Make it your mission to become your own best friend. When you love yourself, you'll attract the worthy people you deserve. Stop underplaying your accomplishments or apologising for your feelings.

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Be realistic about work. If you're not doing your fair share, colleagues will resent you. Are you struggling with a health problem? Talk to your boss about it. They might be able to put you on a special schedule that allows you to heal faster. Don't keep silent about your emotional needs. Always deferring to friends and relatives has caused you to be neglected. It's time to assert your desires, even if it means triggering an argument.

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Throwing a tantrum won't improve your prospects. Someone you admire may be turned off by your childish behaviour. When you encounter difficulty, take deep breaths. This will help you regain your equilibrium and deal with the matter in a mature way. Spending too much time with friends is undermining your love life. If you're in a relationship, arrange to enjoy some private moments with your amour. Are you single? Make room in your schedule for creative pursuits and exercise your imagination.

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Relatives aren't taking your concerns seriously. You're tired of asserting your needs and having them brushed away. Keeping your family at a distance can help you work through some powerful emotions. You have every right to feel angry about being treated unfairly. Someone who is highly complementary is secretly feeling threatened by you. Beware of letting down your guard with this individual. You don't want to give them ammunition against you. Always act with the utmost professionalism.

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Take flattery with a pinch of salt. Someone who heaps you with compliments has an ulterior motive. Put up your guard with someone who praises you to the heavens. A request for financial help isn't far behind. If you want feedback, ask a trusted relative. Someone who doesn't respect your expertise should not be tolerated. Be ready to confront this critic in a public forum. If there's anything a bully cannot stand, it's having their methods exposed. After this confrontation, your tormentor will slink away like a slug.

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Be realistic about finances. If you're not making enough to sustain a certain lifestyle, make some changes. Find a lucrative job, cut costs or both. You're not especially materialistic, but you must acknowledge that money serves a practical purpose. Do your best to conserve resources. A physical relationship isn't giving the fulfilment you want. It's time to have a heart to heart with your partner. Be honest about your desires and propose ways to connect more often. If you're single, get to know a prospective partner before enjoying intimacy.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's time to get clear about what you want. You'll miss several golden opportunities if you continue to drift through life. Make a list of three things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the month. This will keep you focused. Don't let a partner walk all over you. You've fallen into a pattern where they flatter you and then you do their bidding. This can't be allowed to carry on without questioning. You can't be expected to do all the heavy lifting in this relationship.

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