
Self-righteousness makes you miserable in the end. It's impossible to form strong bonds when you look down on everyone else. The next time you catch yourself disparaging someone else, stop. Try your best to see this individual's good points. Your resistance will soften. You're afraid of showing your vulnerable points. Let down your defences. A caring person will come forward to congratulate you on your bravery. Personal growth requires taking risks. Doing the same thing over and over will make you stale.

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You'll be put in charge of a joint account. Be careful when making investments and purchases. It's best to err on the side of caution. If you want to take risks, do so with your own money. You must be careful with the group fund. An unreliable friend is wearing on your nerves. Stop expecting them to show up when they promise. It's just setting yourself up for disappointment. Let them come and go as they please; you have better things to do.

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Beware of putting your trust in the wrong person. Although you greatly admire someone who is endlessly optimistic, they lack the practical skills to turn a dream into reality. It's better to team up with a conservative type with an admirable track record. Don't overestimate your value to the company. If you continue to demand special favours, you will be dismissed. Everyone else must play by the rules. You are no different, regardless of your talent. Do your job.

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Overindulgence will cause health problems. Practice moderation in everything you do. If you've been having a problem with drugs, alcohol or both, get treatment. There's no shame in asking for help. Your system is delicate. Treat it with the care and respect. You're jealous of others who seem to be doing better. Envy keeps abundance from flowing into your life. It indicates that you don't have faith in the Universe's endless bounty. Just because someone is doing well does not mean you cannot.

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Extravagance will put a big dent in your budget. Instead of trying to buy someone's affection, be willing to be evaluated on your own merits. It's possible that someone who has caught your amorous attention doesn't return your affection. Show respect for their feelings and back off. A loved one has you wrapped around their little finger. It's time to assert your independence. Being too reliant on your amour will result in disaster. Go after what you want, regardless of what anyone else desires.

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Letting a relative walk all over you is a mistake. You have better things to do with your time than cater to their whims. Don't fall prey to guilt trips. You don't have to feel bad about putting your needs first. You're easily disappointed in love. Stop holding your amour to impossible standards. The sooner you accept their limitations, the better your relationship will be. There's a reason you are together. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.

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Be practical about a job. If you lack the necessary experience, seek out someone who knows what they are doing. Don't resent their fee. This expert is worth their weight in gold. By treating them with respect and courtesy, they'll work hard for you. Be realistic about your health. Stop eating food that creates distress, even if it's delicious. Find substitutes for these vices. Mindful choices will make you look and feel better. Have healthy snacks available to keep temptation at bay.

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Do you have an urge to spend money? Repress it. This isn't a good time to buy luxuries. It's better to be resourceful. Having money in reserve will give you more independence. Being able to choose the jobs and relationships you want is priceless. A potential paramour is playing hot and cold with you. These games are getting on your nerves. Lay your cards on the table and then ask how they feel. If you get an evasive answer, it's time to move on.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Restless energy is causing trouble on the romance front. If you're in a relationship, find ways to fall back in love with your partner. There's a reason you are together. Abandoning your union will be cause for regret later. Hang in there. It's hard to think rationally about a family matter. Just because you were raised a certain way doesn't mean you should uphold these beliefs and attitudes. Keep an open mind and be willing to try different approaches, especially to household matters.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're not sure where you stand with a neighbour or relative. Although you're very polite with each other, there's no real warmth between you. If you want to improve your relationship, you should spend quality time together. Invite them out to dinner. You have experienced a big disappointment, but that's no reason to feel sorry for yourself. You are extraordinarily lucky. When you dwell on what is going right, more abundance will flow into your life. Focusing on the negative will compound problems. The choice is yours.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A careless attitude towards money will get you in trouble. It's admirable how you place greater value on relationships than your bank account. This doesn't mean you should squander your income. Put a portion of your pay into savings and then don't touch it. Don't give friends so much power over your decisions. You're an original person whose needs are different from the rest of the crowd. As a result, you're happiest when taking the road less travelled. When your social circle objects, grin and bear it.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Procrastinating over a personal decision will result in a lost opportunity. The time to act is now. Instead of looking to others for guidance, listen to your heart. A seemingly irrational impulse is right on target. Follow it as soon as possible. Pouring too much energy into work will make you empty and dissatisfied. Although having a dream job is nice, it's not enough to sustain you. Devote more attention to spiritual matters. They are what make life truly meaningful.

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