
Your exhaustive knowledge of a subject makes you the perfect choice for a leadership position. It's important to establish a good rapport with new colleagues. By offering gentle encouragement, you'll help people overcome their initial doubts and fears. At times, you'll be frustrated by defeatist attitudes. When confronted with this behaviour, find ways to make them more emotionally mature. Explain what is at stake and what they will lose by giving up at this stage of the game.

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Adopting a thorough approach will help you avoid embarrassing mistakes. People who are waiting in the wings are impatient to see results. Don't rush to please these critics. It's better to take a measured pace, especially when you're dealing with financial matters. Being able to account for every penny that is spent will impress budget conscience colleagues. Once they see your impressive work, you'll be asked to preside over an important group fund. It's obvious you can be trusted with money.

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People greatly value your ability to work with others. You aren't deterred by differences in belief systems or backgrounds. When you're asked to collaborate with somebody, your only focus is the task at hand. This open, flexible and enthusiastic approach is much appreciated. Don't be surprised when someone asks to work with you exclusively. Signing a long term contract will work to the advantage of both parties. You'll handle the small details while you're partner focuses on the big picture.

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Following the rules is critical to your success. Resist the temptation to cut corners. If a rival thinks you have ignored normal procedure, you'll get in a great deal of trouble. Keep careful track of your contributions. When you get official permission, ask for it to be documented on paper. This will clear up any confusion surrounding your work methods. When people can't outperform you, they'll try to trip you up on technicalities. That's why it's important to do everything by the book.

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You take great pride in making a comfortable foundation from which to launch creative ideas. Instead of making fun of someone who wants to be an artist, you'll help them gather the art supplies they want. Rather than discount bold proposals, you'll express interest and engage in brainstorming sessions. You've never been afraid of trying new things. You are aware that for innovations to successfully occur, a period of trial and error must take place. That's why so many inventive people seek your company.

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Keeping your emotions under control will make a good impression. Someone will try to throw you off your game by making upsetting remarks. By refusing to take the bait, you'll win the respect of those who have been carefully watching your performance. As a result, you'll be given an important assignment requiring a lot of discretion. Working for a powerful executive will be a great use of your skills. You'll enjoy being appreciated for your diligence and attention to details.

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A disciplined approach to work is the fastest path to success. Block out distractions and stay focused on the task at hand. By steadily chipping away at the task at hand, you'll finish the job faster than anyone expects. A rival will try to upset you by making nasty jokes about your competence. Do not engage with this troublemaker. The proof is in the pudding. When you deliver your assignment on time and under budget, people will look at you with newfound respect.

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Managing your time well will strengthen your financial situation. You're less likely to buy expensive prepared food when you are able to concoct nutritious meals for yourself. Similarly, the temptation to splash out on expensive luxuries will be diminished when you're able to regularly enjoy simple pleasures. Afternoon naps, walks through the park and scented baths are inexpensive alternatives to shopping sprees. Your relationship to work will also improve once you're able to delight in the fruits of your labour.

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Practicing patience, initiative and self-reliance will pay off handsomely for you. Recently, you've been frustrated by a lack of knowledge. Filling in the gaps to your education will be simple. If you lack the funds for tuition, apply to a religious, government or cultural institution. Your chances for winning a scholarship are strong. Once you begin your studies, you'll be able to move past obstacles that used to block your path.

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Working hard on behalf of others gives life a sense of purpose. Although you're highly ambitious, you don't want success at the expense of the rest of the group. Finding ways to assist those who are disadvantaged makes your spirit soar. Take this opportunity to apply for a grant or launch a charity based concern. Thanks to your willingness to donate your time, money and resources, success won't be limited to a few people at the top of the food chain. Bravo.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're not content with settling for the status quo. When there are improvements to be made, you'll be at the forefront of the change. Making resources more readily available to all members of society is one of your loftiest goals. So is strengthening security measures and facilitating work methods. Thanks to you, flawed systems give way to streamlined ones. Nobody could ever accuse you of blocking progress. You'd much rather try something new than stay mired in the past.

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People respect your authority. That's because you don't put on airs and treat everyone with respect. You don't care what position someone holds. As long as they are doing their job, you will treat them with the kindness and courtesy they deserve. As a result, workers from every level of the organisation will come forward to help you. By bringing everyone together in a spirit of harmony, you will produce some impressive results. Stay positive and always give credit where it is due.

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