
Instead of commanding the spotlight, you are content to stay in the background. It's such a relief to drift with the current than swim against the tide. Pay careful attention to your dreams. They are urging you to make a career change. Pursuing a more artistic line of work is strongly advised. Someone with your pioneer spirit can't be happy in a highly traditional field. You need space to innovate, imagine and invent. Give yourself permission to try something new. You won't regret it.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Your imagination is running wild. Don't be afraid to develop a bold idea. People are surprised at your departure from traditional forms of expression. In the past, you had great reverence for the old ways of doing things. Use hi-tech gadgets to make art. Taking a course will be rewarding. Not only will you discover a talent for a cutting-edge creative technique, but you'll meet some stimulating people. One or two of your peers will become lifelong friends. They'll appreciate your earthy sense of humour.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You'll be put in charge of an important division or project at work. It's nice to know your employer has faith in your abilities. Take the time to know each member of the team. By showing interest in their dreams, you'll earn their eternal respect. Soon, the atmosphere will seem more like you're at a party than in an office. Everyone will be eager to go to work, giving their best. The result will be ground-breaking work that wins several prizes. Don't forget to thank your team for their dedication.

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Connecting with your higher power gives you a new lease on life. No matter how much money and love you have, it won't be enough to make you happy. The kind of contentment you seek comes from within. That means it's important to spend time on activities that uplift and inspire you. This can include anything from communing with nature to volunteering for a charitable organisation or attending religious services. Don't bother explaining your spiritual needs to people who mock your beliefs.

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A passionate love affair makes you very happy. It feels wonderful to be with someone who intuits your physical desires and understands your emotional needs. Together, you can move mountains. After enjoying a romantic interlude, you will be inspired to collaborate on a creative project. It's even possible you will become business partners. Providing the public with practical products and services will give you a great deal of satisfaction. You'll especially enjoy making personal connections with your clients, customers, patrons or patients.

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Your charisma draws admirers wherever you go. If you're in a relationship, this would be a great time to go away to somewhere secluded with your nearest and dearest. Enjoying a romantic interlude by the sea will increase your mutual desire. This could be one of the most passionate times of the entire year for you. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a spiritual or cultural gathering. A person with a dreamy look in their eyes will charm you. Don't hesitate to introduce yourself.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Take this opportunity to catch up on work. Deal with paperwork, return phone calls and tie up loose ends. If you're getting ready to start a project, make a list of all the necessary materials. Having all the supplies at your disposal is critical. Are you short staffed? Start interviewing candidates to serve as support staff. You'll find some highly talented people who are eager to gain experience. With some training, they will serve you well and relieve you of a great deal of drudgery.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your creative juices are flowing freely. Take this opportunity to start an art project that makes you happy. There will be a fantastic quality to your work that is quite compelling. You offer a welcome escape from the world's troubles. Don't be surprised if you get several commissions and invitations from loyal fans. They're eager to own some of your work. If you play your cards right, you can quit your day job and devote all your time to doing what you do best.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're determined to make a relative's life secure and comfortable. Whether this means paying for a child's piano lessons, caring for an elderly family member or providing a comfortable home to a relative is unimportant. The key is to obey your generous instincts. When you were younger, you may have yearned for someone to demonstrate care and kindness. This is your chance to lend a helping hand to a friend or neighbour who is going through troubling times. Your decision to make the world a better place for somebody else is admirable.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You understand what a relative or neighbour is experiencing. Sending them a supportive and encouraging message will help them recover from a difficult situation. It seems like a small gesture, but it will mean the world to the recipient. More and more, you've been thinking about the past. Instead of being filled with embarrassment about past mistakes, you'll be more forgiving towards yourself. Your self-acceptance will allow you to realise a cherished goal. Every time you make an error, treat it as a lesson.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spiritual pursuits are strongly advised. Recently, you've been immersed in work. It will be a relief to escape practical matters. Taking a solitary trip to a relaxing resort will be therapeutic. This interlude will allow you to turn your attention inward. Reconnecting with your higher power will put life back into perspective. Instead of pouring all your energy into making money and earning respect, you'll focus on cultivating happiness. It doesn't matter whether this means inventing gadgets or studying philosophy or even learning how to fly a plane.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Trust your intuition. Joining a group will give you a new lease on life. It will be such a relief to mix with people who share your artistic sensibilities. Together, you can create things of great beauty. Reality has never had much interest for you. You're much happier when you're building castles in the air or floating away on a cloud of pure imagination. Ask for help with an idea for a film, novel or painting. Friends will offer practical advice on how to realise this dream.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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