
You're eager to try something new. If you're in a relationship, take a fresh approach to intimacy. Experiment with different techniques and invite your partner to do the same. There are always ways to keep your mutual desire alive. Be playful. An old competitor will check in with you. Comparing progress will be illuminating. You've gone much further than you ever expected. Give yourself credit for having broken bad habits. Your newfound diligence has allowed you to reach heights you never thought possible.

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You're the one who rules the roost. As a result, relatives and roommates are reluctant to put their own stamp on your home. Encourage them to contribute to your surroundings. This will make the place more cosy and comfortable. A mix of styles is stimulating. If you've been thinking of returning to a neighbourhood you once loved, go for it. You'll make some pleasant discoveries on this journey. Remember to jot down memories in a notebook; they could inspire an art project.

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Style shouldn't be a substitute for substance. If you are going to make a good impression, you should learn as much as possible about your favourite form of expression. Discover the history of this art, as well as who is doing cutting edge work in it. Don't hit the 'send' button on an important message until you talk with a tactful friend. They'll alert you to a potentially offensive tone. Be willing to soften your language in the interests of diplomacy.

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You're very good at your job and you know it. This has earned you a respectable reputation and therefore, as a result, it's always been easy for you to find lucrative assignments. Instead of feeling pressured to undercut the competition, you demand a higher price for your services. This confidence draws loyal customers.

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Your sunny disposition informs everything you do. Even when you're faced with difficulty, you manage to maintain a positive outlook. This impulse to look for silver linings attracts love, luck and money. Friends marvel at your good fortune, not understanding that it is self-created. You might find a piece of clothing or jewellery that you had forgotten about. Putting this item back in your regular rotation will be fun. You'll get lots of compliments on this decorative touch.

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Spending time on your own strengthens your resolve. You've been ready to let go of habits that no longer serve you. This may mean breaking off some toxic relationships or leaving a thankless job. Give yourself permission to walk towards the light. An official agency could lose your paperwork. Be prepared to submit everything again. This temporary delay could be a blessing in disguise. Everything is happening when it should. Remain calm and stay in the moment; a breakthrough is right around the corner.

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A prestigious friend will invite you to a party. Wear something special to this occasion, as you'll be rubbing elbows with other prominent people. If you cross paths with a talented artist, don't be shy about discussing your own work. You're revising some plans you've had since childhood. Don't be afraid to let go of a goal if it no longer excites you. Your tastes have become much more developed. Pursue the charming and sophisticated people whose work you admire.

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Strong ambitions may prompt you to launch your own business. You're tired of other people getting rich off your talent. Opening your own agency, boutique or firm will be hard work that you'll greatly enjoy. This gamble will pay off handsomely. Joining forces with a former employer is strongly advised. Your resourcefulness, combined with their artistic flair, makes for a successful collaboration. You'll also benefit from their business contacts. Having an inside track to wealthy clients is worth its weight in gold.

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If you get a chance to return to a place where you were once happy, grab it. Going on this trip will transform your outlook. Instead of underplaying your creative impulses, you'll begin taking them seriously. Launching an art project is a distinct possibility. You might have to change a legal agreement that was made under different circumstances. Now your life has changed, you can ask the court to make special allowances for you. Bring as much paperwork as possible to support your claims.

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You enjoy finding new sources of income. Working smarter, not harder, will allow you to retire early and enjoy the fruits of your labour. You'll get a chance to make an investment that was previously out of reach. Even a small amount will quickly multiply. Go over financial accounts with a fine-toothed comb. You will notice an error that must be corrected. The sooner you bring this to the attention of your bank or credit card company, the better.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Let your partner bask in the spotlight. A rebel like you is used to commanding attention. This can make your other half feel slighted. Whenever you get a chance to showcase their abilities, do it. Your generosity will pave the way for a stronger relationship. A relative or neighbour could make their way back into your life. You'll enjoy reconnecting with this clever individual. Their imaginative approach to life will inspire you to become more creative. Return to a hobby you loved as a child.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If your energy is low, immerse yourself in inspiring material. Read uplifting books, listen to rousing music and watch sentimental movies. Soon, your apathy will be replaced by enthusiasm. When low moods threaten to engulf you, always remember you can swim against the tide. It will be necessary to revise a creative project. Instead of lamenting over your wasted work, concentrate on improving what is already there. This is your chance to turn something good into something great. Stop settling for second best.

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