
You have the wisdom, experience, and knowledge to make a success of a business venture. Some people are surprised by your savvy, because you don't brag about it. Still, when faced with an opportunity to make money, you'll devise a winning strategy. This is also a good time to invest money in a computer or phone system. Splurge on quality merchandise. Buying the cheapest model will only force you to purchase a replacement. Remember, this is a long term investment.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You have an uplifting effect on everyone you meet. Make a point of thanking loved ones for small gestures of kindness that often go unnoticed. Tell a colleague how much you appreciate their hard work. Thank a waitress for their attentive service. Offer a reassuring smile to a parent who is struggling with a difficult youngster. Little gestures like this make a tremendous difference to people's morale. Remember, what goes around, comes around.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Developing your intuitive powers is a good use of your time. As an Air sign, you tend to trust facts over feelings. Still, your instincts can give you information that cannot be obtained through study. Stop relying so much on your brain to acquire knowledge, and tune into your heart instead. This can be especially helpful when trying to determine the motives of a rival. This rogue says one thing, but means another. Pay special attention to their body language.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You can realise a cherished goal, so long as you surround yourself with the right people. You've always enjoyed the company of practical Earth signs. That's because they are willing to roll up their sleeves and do whatever is necessary to get the job done. They won't stand around complaining when they could be chipping away at the rock pile. A placid Taurus or Capricorn will also ease your fears about the unknown. Listen carefully to their words of wisdom.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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This is one of the best times of the entire year to interview for a job. You don't have any problem promoting your gifts. What's more difficult is negotiating better terms of a deal. If you don't like the salary you are initially named, make a counter offer. Set this amount a little higher than the figure you really want. Others will think you're mad for raising the stakes in this kind of job market, but people are willing to pay extra for a superstar like you.

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You'll be able to explore new vistas with relative ease. Don't be surprised if your boss sends you on a glamorous business trip or if you get the chance to study overseas. Alternatively, you may be approached to write a 'how to' book. It's even possible you'll be awarded a nice sum of money from a legal settlement. Any way you slice it; this will be a time of extraordinary opportunity for you. When given a choice between two paths, pick the one you've never travelled before.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You will receive a generous gift, legacy, or inheritance. Now all that remains is figuring out the best way to spend it! Before you splurge on a cruise or car, think how this cash could give you the sort of long term security you sometimes hope for. Putting it in a retirement or savings account will give you an extra measure of freedom. Think how lovely it will feel to know you will never have to stay in a job or relationship that doesn't suit you.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You'll have a meeting of the minds with a business partner. The two of you appreciate the same things, so it's easy to make your plans together. You like to devise promotional campaigns and sales strategies, whereas your collaborator prefers to handle the more practical aspects of this endeavour. Together, you will turn a handsome profit. There's a good chance you'll use these earnings to go on a glamorous trip or get an advanced degree.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your kindness and consideration make you a popular figure at work. You're always quick to enquire after someone's health, celebrate a birthday, or draw attention to an achievement. If you're looking for a job, emphasise your gift for being a team player during interviews. You will fare best in a position that involves working with a wide variety of people. Do you want to get in shape? Focus on building muscle strength with activities like hiking, biking, and climbing.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Accommodating spiritual values with a relationship is smart. It always helps to share certain beliefs with your partner. If you both value the same thing, you're less likely to hurt each other. Of course, you are bound to have some differences of opinion. When this happens, have an open discussion. Don't mock or disparage each other's ideas. Forge a middle ground. Some issues will require one partner to make a sacrifice, but most will merely involve a compromise.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will gain status and public recognition at work. Thanks to your ability to put others at ease, you're one of the most popular people in your organisation. Your boss is eager to reward you for your contributions. That's because they know if you don't feel appreciated, you'll find a better opportunity. You've always been very vocal about needing to be appreciated. If someone is stupid enough to ignore your demands, it will be their loss.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Working with a religious, charitable, or educational institution will be eye opening. There are certain aspects of this work you never considered. In some ways, you have to train yourself to think of others first. In others, you have to protect your own heart as a means to stay strong. Knowing which priorities to follow and when, will be the secret to your success. Resist the urge to sacrifice your own comfort for the sake of this cause. Avoid burnout at all costs.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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