
An outgoing person like you normally enjoys going before the public, but today might be problematic. Authority figures are easily provoked, and it may be your job to run interference between your colleagues and the powers-that-be. Fortunately, your sense of humour is in evidence today. By making light of petty arguments and complaints, you can both save the day and bask in the spotlight.

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In order for you to earn extra money, you may be required to get more education. This may be a daunting prospect, because you doubt your ability to undergo a rigorous course of study. If you really think about it, however, you'll realise you have something most other students don't: patience. By setting a slow and steady pace for yourself, you'll cross the finish line sooner than your competitors. Focus on your goals.

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Some people would have you believe that you have to be self-interested in order to get ahead. Today presents an opportunity to prove these cynics wrong. By getting involved with a charitable organisation, you can get paid for helping others. You may have to volunteer your time at first, but you will be compensated eventually. Focus on the emotional rewards for today; the financial ones will come later.

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There may be delays in establishing your career because of a troubled relationship. Resist the urge to build resentments. You need a strong personal life if you're going to sustain an important job. Pause to help a loved one out of a rut, even if it means refusing plum assignments. Better opportunities will soon arrive, provided you have faith. For now, focus on what you can do to make your union stronger.

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Always being of service to people could cramp your style considerably. The next time somebody asks you for help, issue a polite refusal. Otherwise, everyone will expect you to come to their rescue whenever problems arise. If certain people take offence at your attitude, you can be sure they weren't your true friends, anyway. Real pals will respect your desire to have more free time.

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Relaxing from professional responsibilities helps you put life back into perspective. You're such a conscientious person it's hard for you to delegate tasks to others. Perhaps you're afraid if you show your colleagues how to perform your duties, you'll become obsolete. Actually, nothing could be farther from the truth. Once your co-workers realise the full scope of your job, they'll respect you all the more.

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Family ties may discourage you from pursuing a course of study that has always interested you. Rather than listen to the voices from your past, tune into your heart's desires. There's nothing wrong with carving out an individual identity. Yes, you may feel lonely at times, but when you make inroads into fresh territory, you'll be justifiably proud. Don't let sceptics and worrywarts deter you from your chosen path.

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Discriminating between fantasy and reality could be a problem, especially with regard to sex. Just because you enjoy a good physical relationship with somebody doesn't mean you have much emotional affiliation for one another. Alternately, if you click with a person on a social level, you may not generate any chemistry in the bedroom. Don't settle for a romance that is less than fulfilling. You can have it all, provided you're patient.

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Making a serious commitment may be intimidating, because you have so much to lose. However, until you take an emotional risk of some sort, a feeling of emptiness and longing could persist. Try to affiliate yourself with stable, reliable people who have kept their promises in the past. The failed relationships you've experienced in the past may have more to do with poor choices than human nature.

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Establishing set routines helps you stay productive, but it could dull your self-expression. Try altering your habits in small ways for the next seven days. Take a different route to work; fix dinner at a later hour; sample a new restaurant. If you continue doing the same thing day after day, your sensibilities will become dull and sluggish. This won't be beneficial for your relationships or your work. Think about it.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Developing your creative potential is essential to your happiness. Quite often, people would have you believe that engaging in artistic hobbies should be at the bottom of your list of priorities. This is hardly the case. In fact, unless you have an outlet for your imagination, your professional work can suffer. Make more time for the activities you love, even if it means scaling back your job-related duties.

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Your easy-going personality allows you to make friends readily, but that doesn't mean you're not selective. Be very careful with whom you associate today. Your colleagues could be a reflection on you. Stay close to refined people who know when to keep their mouths shut around authority figures. You wouldn't want any embarrassing stories to leak out now, when all eyes are upon you. Dress for success at a social function.

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