
A loan that was held up by paperwork will come through. Spend this money judiciously. Investing in higher education can pay off handsomely. Alternatively, you might decide to buy a home or make improvements to an existing one. Avoid purchases that will give only momentary pleasure. You've got to make preparations for the years ahead. If you don't, you will be victim to market fluctuations that are beyond your control. This is your chance to buy some extra security.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You're starting to look at someone in a new light. When you first met, you dismissed them as being overly dramatic. Now you realise their impassioned feelings are justified. Let this be a lesson about jumping to conclusions. Resuming an old partnership could be financially beneficial. You have to admit they have a knack for making resources go far. This ability will protect you from economic instability. Follow their advice to the letter, even if it means cutting back on luxuries.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Relief from a nagging ache or pain is imminent. It has taken some time to arrive at the right combination of diet, exercise and rest, but the result has been worth it. Devise strategies for avoiding temptation. A temporary lapse of judgement could cause your symptoms to erupt again. It's not worth the fleeting sense of satisfaction you'll get from breaking the rules. You might hear from a company you applied to some time ago. A job with great benefits is nothing to sneeze at.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're reaching the home stretch with a creative venture. This comes as a huge relief. You long to shift your focus to more practical considerations. Before you do this, check your work thoroughly. A few last minute adjustments will make a huge difference. It would be a shame to fall short of the mark after all this time and effort. A youngster will have an impressive breakthrough at school. Take this opportunity to go out and celebrate together. Your young friend needs some encouragement.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You'll be able to restock household supplies that ran out a while ago. It may be wise to have some extra items in reserve, just to ensure you won't run out again. If you've been trying to make a doctor's appointment for a loved one or youngster, you could finally get a spot. Be willing to rearrange your own plans to make sure this will happen. It's not easy to get a slot on their schedule. This eleventh hour change of plans will be a blessing in disguise. Use it wisely and use it to your advantage.

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At long last, you'll be able to take the trip you wanted. Be sure to pack light, as you don't want to be overburdened with lots of cumbersome luggage. Having a few layers of clothing will serve you well in all sorts of weather. Choose serviceable items that can be mixed and matched. Comfort should trump fashion. Check your bank account to make sure a payment cleared. If not, call your creditor and explain the situation. You don't want to get hit with any costly penalties for late payments.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Juggling the budget was a real nuisance. Now you've come to terms with the limitations that have been imposed on you, it will be easier to make progress. You may not be able to achieve the impressive result you envisioned, but you will put forth a respectable effort. People who understand the situation will be impressed by your efforts. Don't be surprised if you're offered a job as a result of this work. The ability to make resources stretch far is an impressive asset.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You finally have an opportunity to resume plans that had to be cancelled. This comes as a relief, as you were getting anxious. Moving forward with a project will make up for some of the financial loss you have suffered. It will also restore your reputation as an effective leader. Stop beating yourself up for having lost valuable time. You actually needed this period of delay to improve some of the weaker parts of the plan and take a second look at the budget.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The ability to resume activities without problems is a relief. Recently, someone invaded your privacy. This made you angry and resentful, but there was nothing you could do. Now you've been left in peace, you value your solitude even more. Don't worry; there will come a time when you're ready to join society again. For now, concentrate on healing from the betrayal you've recently experienced. You've learned a valuable lesson about whom to trust and whom to keep at arm's length.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You have a better idea of who your real friends are. Although it's hard to come to terms with a betrayal, it's better to know the truth. Don't bother defending yourself in public. It doesn't matter what strangers believe. True friends will understand you acted out of noble intentions. In time, a bigger scandal will eclipse yours. You'll be able to see this drama in a whole new light, realising that no outsider can ever know the entire truth of a situation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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All of your attempts at self promotion are finally paying off. You were starting to fear your hard work was coming to naught. Actually, it just took a while for your applications to come before the right people. Now a powerful person has become aware of your contributions, you will achieve the status you wanted. When attending professional meetings, be sure to listen more than you speak. Cultivating an air of mystery works in your favour.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You'll be able to return to a course of study you were forced to end for financial reasons. Resuming this class will be like getting on a bicycle again. After a few false starts, you will easily pick up where you left off. A legal matter will finally be decided and the result will put you in a better financial position. Don't make any snap decisions on how to spend this money. In a few weeks, you'll know exactly what do to with this windfall.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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