
Networking is the name of the game and the more friends you have, the easier it will be to reach your objective. Be sure to attend a business meeting or dinner. You'll feel an instant rapport with an offbeat visionary. Together, the two of you can break into a difficult market or develop a new product. If you decide to join forces give your partner as much creative license as possible. Your friend works best when given free rein; resist the urge to be a micromanager.

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Take a page from an Aquarius friend's book and stop worrying. The best way to tackle a problem is to jump in and make some changes. Fretting over what might happen will just waste valuable time. Fortunately, a steady job gives you the means to pay bills and keep you afloat. If you're looking for work, you could find an opportunity related to the hospitality industry. Apply to restaurants, hotels, and caterers. This could give you a chance to see the world.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Somebody is resisting your attempt to take charge. It's not that they think you are incompetent. On the contrary, people have great faith in your abilities. It's just due to the way you assert your authority being problematic. It's essential to give credit where credit is due. A talented team is fully capable of doing a good job, provided each member is treated with respect. Once you start ordering people around without consideration for their schedules, trouble begins.

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You'll meet someone with a wide range of interests at a party or business gathering. Keep your eyes open for an offbeat rebel. The two of you are an interesting study in contrasts. Your love for tradition is a source of great amusement for your new friend. Meanwhile, their inability to think in practical terms makes you laugh with disbelief. Together, you can accomplish great things. Let your partner make all the plans so you can carry them out.

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Your best friend or lover is worried about your lackadaisical attitude. It really irritates you to be pressured and prodded. You'll return to the real world when you're finished relaxing. Right now you're intent on leaving your cares behind. If you must, take a break by yourself. That's better than travelling with someone who is always wringing their hands while you are trying to have fun. A temporary break will help you decide whether this relationship is worth all the trouble.

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It's time to make some decisions, even if all the facts are not in yet. If you keep dragging your feet, a golden opportunity will slip through your fingers. Accept a job offer, even if it involves long hours and little pay. You'll soon learn the ropes and be offered a promotion. This is a great opportunity to learn about a glamorous industry from the ground up. Turn to your family when the pressure gets too great to bear.

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Working in a fast paced environment suits you very well. You hate deliberating over decisions. Being forced to choose a path and stick to it will cause your self confidence to rise. You're especially good at intuiting people's needs. Providing demanding clients with excellent customer service makes you an integral part of a business's success. Be prepared to ask for a raise or promotion. Your boss can't afford to let you go, and you know it.

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You never worry about appearances; as far as you're concerned, results are the only things that matter. If you get sweaty and dishevelled on your quest for success, it will just prove you've done the necessary work. A laid back executive has been watching your progress, and will offer you an impressive job. Take some time before you accept. You're the type who needs to explore all the angles of an offer before agreeing to it. Fortunately, it looks as if this position will emphasise your strengths.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's hard to sympathise with a friend who is suffering from performance anxiety. You love performing to an audience. Maybe that's why you've formed such a strong bond with the person in question. You show off while your loved one showers you with attention. Now the tables are turned, you can offer some valuable advice. Impart some of your relaxation techniques. Be as constructive with your criticisms as possible. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You need a lot of freedom to thrive. Overly controlling lovers and business partners won't last long with you. This time around, find somebody who isn't threatened by your executive ability. In exchange for their trust, offer financial and emotional support. You have no problem being generous with people who are worthy of help. This has always dumbfounded those who can't understand why you're loyal to some people and indifferent to others.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You work well with a colleague who nobody else can stand and it's because you appreciate their subtleties. Like you, this fellow worker is reluctant to broadcast their talents; they'd rather have their abilities speak for themselves. By joining forces, you'll blast through obstacles that thwarted your predecessors. Be prepared to get an award for your efforts. If your team mate doesn't get any acclaim, make it your mission to correct the problem.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't let fear get in the way of your dreams. Yes, there are some formidable obstacles ahead, but if you pretend not to see them, they'll vanish into thin air. Pattern your behaviour after a bold Aries you have always admired. Too often, you let more aggressive rivals elbow you out of the way. That cannot be the case now, when a very inviting carrot is being dangled in front of you. Landing this opportunity will put more money in your pocket.

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