
It's hard to focus on anything today; you'd rather drift away on a cloud of daydreams. This is highly unusual for a driven person like you. Perhaps a break is long overdue. You should be especially attentive to any aches or pains you're experiencing; they could be a sign that you've been overextending yourself. Don't cave into any guilty feelings you might have about your workload. Remember, you're only human!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Social obligations are becoming emotionally draining; it's nice to be popular, but this is ridiculous! Feel free to cut back your commitments, particularly if you haven't seen much of children or a lover. Debts could be a source of worry, and no wonder. It becomes expensive going out night after night. Spend more time at home, cooking meals and watching TV with your loved ones. Who needs thrills when you can have contentment?

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Parents, authority figures, and employers could be a source of aggravation. It feels like you can't make a move without being criticised. Although you desperately want your own way, you're going to have to make a few compromises. Let a partner take over if they think they can do a better job. In time, they will come back to their senses, letting you attend to duties as you see fit. Meanwhile, keep a low profile.

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The news of the world could completely overwhelm you; it's so tiring to contemplate all these injustices. Rather than giving in to despair, focus on making one kind gesture each day for the next two weeks. This will give you a greater sense of control, and help you to see the positive aspects of human behaviour that are often hidden from view. Resist the urge to go on a shopping spree when depression looms.

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You can't help but feel the world owes you something for all of your hard work. Unfortunately, this attitude could lead to some irresponsible behaviour on your part. Are you really willing to pay the consequences for a heedless physical encounter or a series of eating binges? Make better use of your time by getting a break from the old routine. Walk through the park, see a foreign movie, or go for a drive.

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A relationship has been causing you a lot of stress lately, and with good reason. You're being overly critical, while your partner is being too passive. Break the pattern by assuming responsibility for your own work, and leaving your friend to attend to their chores. In time, you'll stop worrying about things that aren't your business. Celebrate your freedom by taking a class, joining a reading group, or writing a short story.

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Overindulging in food and drink won't solve feelings of insecurity. Affirmations, visualisations, and positive thinking will help you out of this rut, but you've got to be consistent. It also helps to accept compliments, rather than brush them away. You're a much stronger person than you give yourself credit for. Don't let pushy friends and relatives define who you are. Bring those hidden depths to the surface and shock them all.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're not in the mood for romance or adventure, preferring to brood over troubles. This is ultimately a mistake, because it's limiting your potential for fun. Force yourself to attend a party or go on holiday. Your good spirits will soon return once you stop focusing on everything that is going wrong in your life. Never fear; your interest in amour may come flooding back when a good-looking suitor starts flirting with you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It feels like everybody is dumping their problems at your door, and you've had enough! You'd much rather spend time on your own personal projects, leaving your friends to cope by themselves. Perhaps this isn't such a bad idea, at least for today. Think about going off on your own somewhere. Beware of crabby bosses; they won't appreciate your free-spirited ways. Make up a good excuse for why you can't go into work.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Overanalysing a difficult situation will only drive you crazy; give yourself a break. Indulging your sensual side will help put life back into balance. Treat yourself to a massage, gourmet dinner, or expensive cologne. Your conscience may try to make you feel guilty about such an expensive extravagance, but pay no attention. A hard-working person like you needs to get into the habit of self-pampering, or stress will take an ugly toll.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Basing your self-worth on your financial status is an exercise in misery. The fact is, you can't put a price on how precious you are. Instead of trying to make more money, spend more time on the activities you love. This will send your subconscious a strong message that you're valued and appreciated. Ironically, your income may improve as soon as your self-image does. Life has a way of working out that way.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're extremely moody, and it's hard to be present for a needy loved one. Perhaps you're not giving your partner enough credit for handling their own problems. Instead of smothering this person, try mothering yourself. Revisit an activity you enjoyed as a child, or spend a few hours just reading for pleasure. You don't have to do anything to be loved; you simply just have to be your natural sweet self. What a relief!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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