
Long-distance communications have a way of getting fouled up; wait until later in the week to send that fax or e-mail. Part of the problem is that you're so absent-minded. Issues from your past are preventing you from seeing a current problem in a clear, rational fashion. Forget what happened years ago; you're a different person now.

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Serious power struggles occur with a friend who enjoys telling you what to do and how to do it. Establishing some firm boundaries is essential if this relationship is going to survive. Even if you want to break things off with this person, be very clear why you feel offended. You have a hard time admitting when your pride has been wounded.

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You're anxious to make a public presentation, but your partner isn't ready to move forward. This can cause some serious friction between you. Watch your tendency to issue biting personal criticisms now. Whether you admit it or not, words can wound just as seriously as a physical blow. Table this issue for a few days, then return to it when you're calm.

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There's nothing you dread more than being embarrassed in public, and that's just the situation you face today. Resist the urge to retreat into your shell and laugh along with the rest. Your ability to poke fun at yourself will attract a new set of admirers to your side. If you let your pride become a liability, you'll miss several golden opportunities.

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You're filled with good intentions regarding work, but can't seem to get your act together. This causes colleagues to resent you. If you catch folks flashing you glances filled with resentment, know that it's time to stop dawdling. Getting defensive in the face of this criticism will cause you more harm than good. Roll up your sleeves and get busy!

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You're jealous of someone who has opportunities you never enjoyed as a child, which drives a wedge between you. Stop and think how unfair this attitude is. After all, you were better off than many other folks as a child. Does that give them license to be angry at you? Of course not. Adopt a more mature attitude before your rage consumes you.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A neighbour or close relative who loves gossip could try to draw you into their web of intrigue. Do anything and everything possible to avoid this person. You have better things to do with your time. The target of this person's slander is probably a victim of jealousy, anyway. You wouldn't want to contribute to their unhappiness; you're too fair-minded for that.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You'd rather be anywhere than work, but that wish won't erase your responsibilities. Square your shoulders and go into the office. If an irate authority decides to pick on you, adopt a mode of passive resistance. A powerhouse like you hates to be silent in the face of injustice, but it makes sense in the long term. Don't worry; you'll get your chance for revenge.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You can't impose your will on loved ones, no matter how right you think you are. Let relatives make their own mistakes, but leave the door open for forgiveness. Issuing ultimatums is a recipe for disaster. True, you feel rejected and angry, but those emotions will subside over time. The important thing is to keep the lines of communication open.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Signing contracts or forging agreements is not favoured today; make whatever excuse you can to delay the proceedings. Facts that have a direct impact on you are being withheld. Even the most guileless-looking person could have hidden motives. That doesn't mean you have to go around accusing everybody; just watch your back.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A friend's attitudes may be embarrassing, but that doesn't mean you have to call them out in public. Rather, take them aside and explain how their behaviour could be construed as offensive. If your pal is slow to see the point, put plenty of distance between you. On a day like today, you will be judged by the company you keep.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills, especially where your reputation is concerned. Before accusing somebody of being out to get you, consider whether you're being overly sensitive. Everybody has their weak points and vices. Denying them will make you seem deluded. Cheerfully admit your own weaknesses.

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