
Abandon yourself to sensual pleasure. If you're in a relationship, this is a great time to sneak off to a secluded hideaway with your amour. Spending quality time together without any distractions will strengthen your bond. Are you single? You will meet someone special at a spiritual, cultural or artistic gathering. Be prepared to pursue the object of your affection. They'll be too shy to introduce themselves. It may take a few tries to earn their trust. Be patient and persistent.

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Lean on a loved one for the emotional support you desire. When you were younger, your family wasn't very encouraging of your dreams. Now you are an adult, you can give yourself permission to pursue your heart's desire. Your best friend or romantic partner wants you to take a few risks. They have seen the toll it takes when you suppress your creative side. By making more time for painting, writing, playing music or making handicrafts, your heart will soar. You'll also become a better friend and romantic partner.

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You adapt well to any professional challenge. That's because you don't stand on ceremony when it comes to work. When you're asked to do something, you happily execute the task. Your employer appreciates your cooperative attitude. Too often, staff members won't perform any duties that fall outside of their job description. As a result, you'll be given a promotion in record time. Taking the helm of an important division will be a feather in your cap. Celebrate this victory with friends.

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Stop being so modest about your creative talent. Showcasing your work will cultivate success. People are charmed by your unique vision. At first, you'll be working at local venues. The feedback you receive will make you a better artist. Don't bother inviting cynics to these events. They'll only denigrate your work. Such negative remarks are the result of jealousy. If you're going to be successful, you must surround yourself with people who believe in your abilities. Are you single? You could fall in love with one of your fans.

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Making sacrifices for loved ones comes naturally to you. Although you have a reputation for commanding the spotlight, this doesn't mean you are selfish. Whenever you have a chance, you share resources and give moral support to friends and family. Someone who is looking for a job needs a reference. By writing them a recommendation, you'll help them land a good position. If you think this individual is too irresponsible to be successful, be honest. Don't jeopardise your reputation for a lazy friend or relative.

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Working with a partner helps you blast through creative blocks. Sometimes when you're starved for ideas, you become too analytical. This makes a relatively simple problem worse. That's why it's a good idea to join forces with someone who has a more intuitive approach to their work. Instead of trying to solve the dilemma like a math equation, they'll simply experiment with different techniques. Sooner or later, they'll have a breakthrough that allows you to move forward. It will be a relief to gain some traction again.

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A plum assignment will be awarded to you. If you do a good job with this project, you'll get many others. The extra income will allow you to enjoy more creature comforts. You have a love of luxury that is insatiable. Being able to treat yourself will give you an attractive glow. Don't be surprised when your love life heats up as a result. Are you facing an ethical dilemma at work? Obey your conscience. Your brave stance will result in a raise, promotion or both.

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A romantic relationship gives you the courage to take a risk. If you want to live abroad, publish a book or get an advanced degree go for it now. The important thing is to leave the security of a familiar arrangement. Whenever you feel like a fish out of water, lean on your amour for support. Are you single? You will meet the perfect partner at a cultural, spiritual or artistic event. Be ready to play the aggressive role, as the object of your affection is very shy.

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Before jumping to the aid of a loved one, serve yourself. Taking a nap, soaking in a scented bath or taking a walk through the park will revive your spirits. It will be much easier to make a loving gesture when you are rested and relaxed. Are you dealing with a passive/aggressive relative? Stop responding to their manipulative behaviour. When they want your assistance, give it on your terms. Don't cancel plans to satisfy their demands. If it's not convenient for you to lend a hand, be honest.

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Let an accomplished friend help you realise a lofty goal. You're normally self-sufficient. Right now, you feel like you're out of your depth. By joining forces with someone who knows their way around an impressive organisation, your success will be virtually guaranteed. Be willing to listen more than you speak when you're with this benefactor. Following their lead will be instrumental in making a good impression on the group. The people you're dealing with are unlike anyone you've known before. Tread carefully.

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An exciting career opportunity is coming your way. Anyone who tells you a job in the arts won't pay well is wrong. You could find yourself with an offer to take up a new opportunity that will pay off very nicely cashwise. Not only are people impressed by your bold vision, but they also admire your managerial skills. By joining forces, you'll become a respected name in the field. Are you already happy in your current position? You might be interviewed by a prominent blog or magazine.

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You'll have an opportunity to go on a long-distance trip. Getting a change of scenery will be instructive. Things that you took for granted as normal will be seen in a different light. Instead of settling for a situation that feels confining, you'll be able to move in a more rewarding direction. Be open to adopting a spiritual practice or converting to another belief system. There is more to life than making money and climbing the ladder to success.

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