
Powerful memories prompt a change in behaviour. If you want to avoid troubled relationships, stop engaging in behaviours that troubled you as a child. By treating others with kindness, care and respect, you'll attract people who are worthy of your friendship. If you've had difficulty realising a plan, try some visualisation exercises. Imagine how it will feel, look, taste, smell and sound to have the object of your desire. The more vivid the fantasy, the faster it will become reality.

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Returning to a subject that fascinated you when you were younger will be rewarding. Nothing lifts your spirits like immersing yourself in a world that excites your imagination. The more you study and learn, the happier you'll become. Small irritations will vanish into thin air. You're more open than usual to experimentation. In the past, you were reluctant to try new things, preferring to stick to comfortable routines. That's starting to change and the transition is stimulating. Flexibility is your friend.

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Keeping abreast of changes in your industry will increase your value to the marketplace. Even if you have an advanced degree, there is always more to learn. Take a course that will expand your knowledge of cutting-edge techniques and hi-tech gadgets. Make a career plan that reflects your true desires. Work doesn't have to be a hardship. You can get paid for having fun. It's simply a matter of listening to your heart. When you defy stuffy conventions, exciting breakthroughs occur.

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An old ethical issue will resurface. Until you address this matter directly, it will continue to haunt you. Stop ignoring problematic behaviour. If there's anything that will deflate an abusive bully, it's a public confrontation. Make it clear that you see what they're doing. Advancing your education will be a labour of love. While your studies will be challenging, they will be a welcome diversion from a boring routine. Get ready to have some cultural assumptions challenged by an inspiring new contact.

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It's time to reconsider your financial arrangements. If you don't have a retirement or savings account, open one. You don't have to have lots of disposable income to build a nest egg. Even saving your spare change will add up as time passes. Your research skills are strong. If you've always wondered how to do something, this would be a great time to watch some instructional videos online. You'll discover a tutorial that breaks down complicated jobs into manageable steps.

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The developing needs of two people require changes to their relationship. Stop resisting a request to conduct business differently. Remind yourself of the positive aspects of this collaboration; it can continue to work to your mutual advantage if you stay optimistic. Your good manners pave the way to a helpful relationship. Someone who admires the way you conduct yourself in difficult situations will offer you a job. You'll enjoy building a company's reputation for excellent customer service. Think about writing a book on this subject.

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A former employer will offer you a job in their new organisation. This is a good opportunity for you. Getting paid to flex your creative muscles will be lots of fun. You'll especially enjoy developing innovative products and services for underserved markets. Your excellent communication skills help you resolves a misunderstanding. This is a good time to extend an olive branch to a relative, colleague or neighbour with whom you have argued. Resolving your differences will come as a huge relief.

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Entering a contest that you lost in the past is strongly advised. This time, you could prevail. You've been practicing a lot since your defeat. In addition, you've acquired a great deal of helpful information about perfecting your techniques and fixing mistakes. Your confidence attracts lots of admirers. If you've been looking for love, you'll find it with a shy person who is afraid to approach you. Take the initiative. You balance each other beautifully. Do you have a partner? Encourage your amour to pursue a lifelong dream.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is a good time to sort through your possessions and rid yourself of anything that no longer serves you. If you have difficulty letting go, enlist the aid of an unsentimental friend. They'll help you see the difference between trash and treasure. Trust your memory about a troubling incident. Someone who tries to cast doubt on your recollections is trying to press an unfair agenda. Stand by your account of the facts and don't back down. Your reputation for honesty will prevail.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If you made a mistake or posted wrong information, correct it. Admitting your errors will preserve your reputation, not ruin it. Did you say something in the heat of passion that you now regret? Offer a complete and sincere apology. Satisfy your curiosity about an intriguing hobby. Taking up a sport or artistic pursuit will be a refreshing change of pace. In the past, you avoided activities because you were afraid of looking foolish in the early stages. Allow yourself to be a beginner.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An old source of income will become available again. Take this opportunity to increase your earnings. Use the money you earn from this venture to fund a dream project. Whether you want to travel, make art or relax is unimportant; follow this impulse. Making things with your hands is satisfying. Often, you live in the world of ideas. Learning how to turn concepts into material objects is a great use of your time. Be willing to work with someone whose slow, steady approach irritates you at first.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Getting rid of attitudes that no longer reflect your priorities is important. Just because you were raised to believe certain theories does not mean you must maintain these convictions. Develop your own philosophy of life; it will enrich and uplift you. Coming to a split-second decision will result in rapid forward movement. The time to hesitate is through; the path is clear for a new way of life. This could involve anything from embarking on health program, moving to another part of the world or making a serious commitment.

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