
Although you may not have the advantages of a rival, that's a blessing in disguise. Unlike people who grew up in privileged circumstances, you have achieved success through raw talent. Your superior skills will help you excel in any environment. You're dissatisfied and restless in your love life. If you have a romantic partner, plan a surprise outing. Tailor it to your partner's interests. If you're looking for love, let your best friend set you up on a blind date.

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An extravagant purchase will fill you with anxiety. The fastest way to welcome luxury into your life is to develop feelings of prosperity. Imagine how it would be to have unlimited wealth. Picture yourself owning the object of your desire, enjoying it to the fullest. Have you been having difficulty with romance? It's because your expectations are unrealistic. Instead of looking for someone who embodies a list of your favourite attributes, keep an open mind. You'll meet someone who surprises and delights you.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Neglecting your talent makes you miserable. Just because your artistic ability is unrelated your job does not mean you should ignore its call. Launch a project for sheer pleasure. You'll be excited to leave work and return to painting, writing or playing music. Giving up a food or activity that brings physical distress is important. Until now, you've been stubborn about doing what you want. Now you realise your system can't handle the stress. Adopt a healthier habit; you'll feel much better.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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It's important to follow through on a promise. When you commit to doing a job, put aside time in your busy schedule for it. This will make you more cautious about volunteering for jobs. Your time is valuable. Devote it to things you truly enjoy. Worrying doesn't solve anything. Instead of assuming everything will work against you, picture the Universe delivering everything you desire. A casual date will be a lot more fun than expected. The important thing is to relax and have fun.

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Letting everybody else do the hard work while you have fun will cause resentment. Put yourself forward for someone who is always doing thankless job. Fill in for them while they're on holiday, recovering from an illness or attending to a personal matter. Doing everything to excess is taking a toll on your health. Emotional extremes are especially exhausting. Stop making mountains out of molehills. When things don't go your way, breathe deep. It's much easier to resolve problems when you're calm.

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Things are a lot less horrible than you think. The sooner you ask for help, the easier it will be to move past this challenging situation. You're always at the service of friends. They'll be happy to return some of the generosity you always give. You'll be tempted to celebrate to excess at a party. Beware of drinking and eating too much. You don't want to make a bad impression on someone who is attracted to your way with words.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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This isn't a good time to make a financial decision. Worrying about money will only drive economic opportunity from your door. If you want to make repairs to your home, imagine everything working in perfect order. Then, when you know exactly what you want, get in a professional firm to do the work. Beware of making estimates. You tend to undervalue your work. The last thing you want is to do a demanding job for a pittance. Do something that boosts your confidence before setting a price.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Stop being so stubborn. Learning to operate a software programme or piece of hi-tech equipment will cause your confidence to soar. It will also cause your colleagues or relatives to look at you with newfound respect. They're tired of doing these jobs for you. An intimate relationship is showing signs of strain. You've been so wrapped up in your own problems that you've lost sight of your amour's wants, needs and fears. Be more attentive. A little selflessness goes a long way.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're not disciplined. This causes jobs to go unfinished and promises to be unfulfilled. It's time to change your priorities. Instead of waiting until the last minute to do things, begin them a day or week before they are due. You'll appreciate the breathing room. Don't pretend to know more than you do about a subject. By admitting your ignorance, you'll get a chance to learn from a respected expert. Your teacher will be happy to fill in the gaps to your knowledge.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Money isn't the solution to all your problems. Instead of asking for a raise or looking for a higher paying job, take time off for fun. Visit a garden or museum. Go to a concert or play. Enjoy a massage or gourmet meal. A good friend will follow through on a promise. You'll be bitterly disappointed. This is a sign you need to be more realistic about your expectations. Instead of asking impractical people to run errands, look to them for emotional support.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Dealing with an inflexible bureaucrat makes you angry. You don't have respect for rules, especially when they interfere with brilliant ideas. Resist the temptation to throw a tantrum. A show of anger will only make a bad situation worse. Breathe deep. Social climbing will make people look at you with suspicion. People want to make friends based on who they are, rather than what they can get from them. If you don't like someone who can advance your career, keep your distance.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone who is extravagant with themselves and frugal with everyone else makes you upset. That's because you have trouble indulging your sensual side. Putting your needs aside for the sake of everyone else makes you drained and resentful. Stop postponing pleasure and spoil yourself. Someone will ask you to get involved with a fundraiser. Although you don't want to appear callous, you should turn down this request. You need time to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Let somebody else volunteer their time for a change.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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