
Getting involved with secret intrigues could prevent you from realising your full potential. It's better to keep everything above board, especially regarding writing projects, scholastic endeavours, and overseas dealings. If somebody asks you to cheat on a test or fake knowledge of a certain subject, refuse. You wouldn't want to damage your reputation. Honest behaviour will be rewarded in surprising ways. You could be given a chance to take a trip.

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Pay no attention to friends who are trying to goad you into reckless behaviour. True, you have a reputation for being somewhat predictable, but there's nothing wrong with that. You're especially adept at saving your money for a rainy day. Don't let someone taunt you into buying a status symbol that will afford very little pleasure. You're better off keeping your nest egg intact. Never fear; you'll eventually find a lovely use for it.

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Beware of taking an autocratic attitude towards others, or they'll come to resent you. Whilst it's true you're the most talented member of the group, it's also true that your peers are jealous of your abilities. When you lord them over the group, they'll turn against you. A business associate or romantic partner needs to know that their input is valued. Take every opportunity to praise their contributions, even if it means underplaying your own.

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Forcing your opinions on others isn't helping your case. If you really want to win somebody over, present the facts and then make a strategic retreat. Eventually, this person will come around to your point of view. In the meantime, don't get involved with power struggles at work. Defer to a colleague who is insecure. If this person feels important, they'll do their fair share. If not, they'll dump their duties onto you.

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Even someone with your animal magnetism can't have everything you want. If someone is withholding their affection, accept the situation with good grace or you'll make the situation even worse. Friends aren't offering especially good advice. Turn a deaf ear to pals who think you should resort to extreme behaviour. You're better off taking a gentle approach to conflicts. Children and lovers won't respond to force; they must be persuaded to do what you want.

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It feels as though a close friend or romantic partner is trying to start an argument. You won't be able to avoid this conflict. Be prepared to set some firm personal boundaries, or this situation will persist. The best way to secure this person's affection is to hold yourself in high esteem. Turn your attention to activities that bolster your confidence. They'll help you stand up for your rights and demand better treatment.

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If you're grappling with health problems, you need to make some lifestyle changes. There's a good chance you're suffering the effects of getting stuck in a rut. Schedule a relaxing holiday to a place you've never visited before. Make more time for pleasurable pursuits. Study a subject that has always fascinated you. You're far too creative to enjoy a conventional lifestyle. It's time you stirred things up a bit.

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Your inner child is about to throw a tantrum, and there's nothing you can do to avoid it. This situation has come about because you've continually denied yourself pleasure. You can't keep putting work first and expect to feel happy and energised. Take some time off so you can rest, relax, and recharge your batteries. If you're out of work, you can still do nice things for yourself while conducting a job search.

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Conflicts at home are making it difficult for you to relax. You can't change a roommate or relative's behaviour, so don't even try. If you live on your own, straighten up your abode. Clear out the clutter, and give every room a good polish. It will be easier to calm down when your surroundings aren't so chaotic. A desire for freedom could prompt you to pick an argument with a partner. Find a healthier outlet.

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Transportation and electronic problems could wreak havoc with your day. Car trouble or a computer melt-down could make you see red. Burn off stress at the gym. If you're too tired for a workout, take a relaxing walk outdoors. When you continue to focus on what's going wrong, you'll only cause yourself unnecessary grief. Whittle down tasks at work to the bare minimum. You probably won't get much done today.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've never been materialistic, but that doesn't mean you should be totally irresponsible with money. Resist the urge to go on a shopping spree, even if you do feel sad or depressed. There are better ways to fill the emotional void that has opened inside you. Mending broken fences with relatives is essential. If you're far from family, you might want to join a community organisation, just to feel more connected to your surroundings.

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You're tired of being hemmed in by a bunch of silly rules and regulations. That doesn't give you carte blanche to lash out at others, though. It's especially important to give friends and family the respect they deserve. They can't help it if you're struggling with professional problems. In fact, they're probably anxious to lend their assistance. Don't hesitate to ask for the tender loving care you do desperately need.

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