
It's finally possible to connect with your employer in a positive way. For the past few weeks, it's been impossible to get a straight answer about the company. Now you'll get an idea of the direction it is going. It's possible that after a reshuffle, you'll be in line for a big promotion. This role is worth your time and effort. You've been blessed with tremendous leadership ability. Landing a high-profile role will finally allow you to use these gifts to their best advantage.

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At long last, you'll see progress with an advanced course of study. You've struggled with a complicated concept for a long while. Now everything has become clear. Passing tests and writing papers will be much easier. Although it sometimes takes you a long time to master knowledge, you never forget the information once it's absorbed. Don't be surprised when fellow students approach you for help with their own studies. They admire your ability to apply yourself and sail to the top of the class.

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It will be much easier to meet your savings goals. You've been struggling to get your head above water and these efforts have paid off. Now you have put some debts behind you, it's time to build a nest egg. Having money in the bank will be liberating in several ways. Instead of being forced to maintain stressful relationships, you'll be able to go off on your own. Rather than having to accept distasteful jobs, you can choose the assignments that appeal to your creative instincts.

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It's time to move forward with a partnership. You've weighed all the pros and cons and realise this alliance will work to your advantage. It will take time to balance your duties. Falling into a comfortable rhythm won't happen overnight. It will involve a process of trial and error that can be frustrating. This doesn't mean you aren't suited. It just means you should be open and honest about your needs. Don't ever give your power away to another person, even when you admire them thoroughly.

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You'll get a job offer from a company that you applied to long ago. It is a relief to know you are at the top of the list of candidates. So much time has passed that you will have several choices of employment. Pick the position at a stable company. The last thing you want is to be thrown out of work again within the year. Although your new employer seems dreadfully dull, it will give you a chance to get paid for your creative contributions.

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A fickle admirer will try to win their way back into your good graces. Don't waste any more time on this flighty admirer. You need a partner whose loyalty is steadfast. You'll meet such a person in an educational setting or professional forum. Someone with a dry sense of humour will make your pulse pound. Introduce yourself at the earliest opportunity. You share many things in common, including an interest in creating a happy life with a worthy helpmate.

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A home improvement project will be successfully finished, much to your relief. You've been tired of working around faulty plumbing, erratic electricity or broken appliances. Now everything is in working order, you'll be able to enjoy your surroundings. Hosting a party for your nearest and dearest will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy planning the menu, assembling the playlist and creating an elegant atmosphere. Bringing your friends together in one place never fails to bring you joy.

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A postponed trip is back on again. You'll welcome the change of scenery. Staying in first class accommodation makes you realise you must raise your standards. When you are treated like royalty, it becomes much easier to perform well. You stop deliberating and feel certain about the direction you should take. Best of all, people listen respectfully to your ideas. Instead of trying to block your path, they step out of your way. You'll change from an underling to an executive.

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A stalled financial negotiation will resume. You're in a much stronger position than you were a few weeks ago. Much work must be done and you're one of the few people who can perform it. Charge accordingly. Anyone who accuses you of being selfish is trying to get something for nothing. Stick to your guns and wait for an answer. There's a good chance they'll accept your demands after a period of prolonged silence. Never let them see you sweat.

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Getting your ideas across has been difficult. For the past few weeks, it feels like people were wilfully misunderstanding you. You've been aware of a problematic situation for a long time. Some people were reluctant to heed your warnings, claiming your predictions were exaggerated. Now a problem has come to a head, they have no other choice than take your advice. Resist the temptation to say, 'I told you so' and correct someone else's mistakes. Your gracious attitude will pave the way to a promotion.

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A period of confusion will lift. You weren't clear on what to think about an ethical matter. Now the facts have come in and you have a better sense of a leader's character. You're embarrassed about being taken in by their lies. Don't beat yourself up. Many other people were also fooled. Treat this as a valuable lesson about trust. Assess a person by their actions, not words. When someone's lifestyle doesn't match their professed beliefs, you can be sure there's deception involved.

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After trying to pick among several groups, the choice will become clear. You're now sure which organisation you would like to join. It will take time to be accepted by this institution. Filling out paperwork and submitting work samples will take a great deal of time. It may be necessary to skip a few parties and outings to complete these tasks. Adopting a slow and steady pace will allow you to do a good job without feeling rushed.

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