
This promises to be a pleasant day, provided you avoid pitting yourself against an expert. Let knowledgeable types lead the way while you busy yourself with domestic concerns. If you've undertaken a home improvement project, be sure to hire a professional for difficult jobs. The extra money you'll have to pay will be well worth it. You're very sensitive to your environment, so if all the noise is bothering you, head for a quiet spot.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Letting go of the past allows you to enjoy the benefits of your present circumstances. Devote your time and attention to loved ones; they've missed your warm presence. It may be difficult to come to terms with the fact that someone cheated you in a serious way. However, if you continue to dwell on this betrayal, you'll be giving the person in question even more power over your life, and that would be a tragedy.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Assuming additional responsibilities could increase your income, which is a blessing. However, take care your duties don't undermine a loving relationship. It's only natural a partner will feel slighted by all the time you're spending at work. Set some ground rules for how much time you will devote to career matters. If you don't have a sweetheart, it may be because you're too focused on your job. Strive for balance.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You've gained lots of perspective over the last four weeks, which makes it easier to cope with problems. Situations and relationships that once caused you strife are becoming sources of joy. Now it's time to guard your health. Although you have lots of interesting social opportunities, you've got to be realistic about your schedule. Dashing around from one event to another could weaken your immune system. Slow down and smell the flowers!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Meeting the needs of your loved ones gives you intense pleasure today. It thrills you to know that you've eased and solved someone else's burdens. Avoid getting into a power struggle with a child who is testing your boundaries. You're going to have to follow through with a punishment, as much as it pains you to do so. In the long run, it's much better to set limits than let the kid run wild.

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Spending time with friends helps put stubborn problems into perspective. Don't give in to self-pity, no matter how tempting it is. People will be more willing to support you when they see you rally. Family members may be especially difficult to deal with now. It's not because they don't love you. It's just that they have a hard time accepting your direction. It's always difficult to part ways with your relatives.

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Be of assistance in any way you can; your willing attitude is sure to boost your reputation. Communicating your needs may be impossible right now, as people are so focused on their own problems. Rather than beating your head against a brick wall, table your problems for another time. By demonstrating you're able to put your own concerns aside for the sake of the group, you'll soon get the support you want.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your playful attitude helps put stuffy types at ease; it's almost impossible to resist your charms. Someone who has the power to give you more funds may be reluctant to do so. Resist the urge to create a scene. If this person sees you handling rejection in a good-natured way, they're likely to change their mind. In the meantime, focus on having fun with loved ones. This night was made for romance, not finance.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You can't get your own way through force; you'll have to rely on family members to help. This means sharing resources with people when you'd rather keep them to yourself. Once you make the initial material sacrifice, you'll find it remarkably easy to share other things, like your time and attention. By nature, you're an extremely generous soul. Push past all of your superficial concerns and rediscover these instincts again.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Strong convictions help you through a crisis period; don't lose sight of your beliefs. A loved one can be especially helpful in keeping you focused on what it important now. Powerful fears have been undermining your confidence for some time. By confronting these anxieties, you can finally put them to rest. You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. It may be time to force a confrontation with an abusive neighbour or relative.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Learning a new skill is the fastest way to improve your financial situation. Fortunately, you're in the perfect position to do just that. Don't listen to friends who want you to stay in the same place. They're just worried you'll be leaving them behind. Nothing could be further from the truth, though. You've never been the type to forget pals. Right now, however, you've got to focus on your own wants and desires.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Developing your creative potential makes you more credible to people who want to invest in your future. Although everyone's aware of your artistic abilities, you need to have some work to show for it. Your romantic and professional prospects will increase when you apply your gifts to worthwhile projects. There is nothing more desirable than a person who is willing to go after their dreams, regardless of the risks involved.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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