
Your sensitive side has come to the surface. This is a good time to work on a solo project. The last thing you want is to hear criticism from a casual bystander. At this stage, you must nurture your creative efforts. Protect them from harsh elements. Volunteering for a fundraiser will put you in contact with some kind people. If you're single, you could embark on a romance with a fellow philanthropist. Trust your instincts about making the first move. Your intuition won't steer you wrong.

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Friends are very supportive about your artistic efforts. Let a loved one introduce you to an influential agent, manager or gallery owner. This could be your chance to display your work to the public. Don't worry if your colleagues and relatives are indifferent to your talent. They simply can't appreciate how hard you've been working. That's why it's important to make friends who share your interest in painting, crafts and design. Fellow artists will give you valuable feedback as well as moral support.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're able to pour all of your idealism into a political cause. Working to make the world a better place is a good use of your expansive vision. You're tired of accepting lacklustre services and foolish policies. You'll feel energised after spearheading a group dedicated to turning things around. Fortunately, there are many friends, relatives and neighbours who share these concerns. Banding together and spreading the message throughout the community will be successful.

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An interest in mysticism, foreign cultures or fine cuisine could prompt you to sign up for a course. You will feel an instant connection with your instructor, who fuels your curiosity. Don't be surprised if your teacher encourages you to get an advanced degree. You have a natural feel for your subject. Doing in depth research on this topic could bring fame and acclaim. You might also get an opportunity to travel overseas with a team of researchers. Prepare to have your horizons broadened.

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It feels like you can read your loved one's mind. Make it your mission to fulfil their needs. Most of the time, your partner finds ways to serve you. This is your chance to reverse the dynamic. By attending to their sensual desires, your relationship will become much stronger. Are you single? You could meet someone special at an antique fair, environmental organisation or lending institution. Any place devoted to expanding resources can cause romance to blossom.

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Your best friend or romantic partner has good instincts about your needs. Let them shower you with affection. At first, you'll bristle at their attentions, preferring to be left alone. If you let yourself receive some kindness, you'll soon be overcome with gratitude. Too often, you accept more responsibility than you can handle. Allowing someone to nurture you will restore your spirits. Soon, you'll be able to dispatch your duties and have time left over for creative pursuits.

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Devoting more time to spiritually uplifting pursuits is important. Set aside time each day to pray, write or commune with nature. You're a good worker, so long as you have some creative inspiration each day. This can't happen if you simply carry out a list of chores like it was a prison sentence. Balance work with whimsy. You don't have to tell your family about your decision. This practice should be purely personal. If you have to wake up earlier or go to bed later, so be it.

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A mutual interest in cinema, theatre, music or art could launch a romance. It's so much fun to spend time with someone who appreciates your taste. If you want to organise a special surprise for your amour, think about getting tickets to an upcoming concert or retrospective. Are you already in a committed relationship? Whisk your amour away on a luxurious holiday. Visiting a seaside resort will reignite your mutual passion. Never underestimate the excitement of a change of scenery.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Use your home as a quiet place for reflection. You're a very outgoing person. Although you enjoy the company of various friends, socialising can be wearing. A homely haven will help you recharge your batteries. Soothing colours, soft texture and low lighting can achieve the effect you want. Don't be surprised when you become more tender and compassionate as a result of your nurturing home environment. It's easy to sympathise with others when your surroundings are so congenial.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A mutual interest in psychology, art and mysticism will be the basis of a strong friendship. Sometimes you're embarrassed to discuss these subjects in public, fearing ridicule. Meeting someone who is open about these subjects will be liberating. It feels great to discuss these matters in detail. The two of you may decide to write a book together. Your partner will be good at generating the text, while you organise the material into chapters and sections.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Business deals involving art, music and photography will be profitable. Trust your instincts when it comes to investing in an artist or gallery. A visionary like you can appreciate aspects that aren't immediately apparent to the average investor. If you're looking for work, explore opportunities at a charitable organisation. Landing a job that reflects your principles will be comforting. You're tired of working for companies that are indifferent to everything but making money.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't be afraid to trust your instincts with a creative project. Venturing off the beaten path will give your work distinction. You're tired of recycling old forms. Developing something new will be exciting. It will take longer than you expect for the public to catch on, but don't worry. Your vision will gain popularity. Meantime, continue to create things that have personal resonance. Impressing yourself is more important than being popular. Be true to your inner voice; it has never let you down.

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