
You're ready for an adventure. Taking a different career direction will be much more challenging than you expect. Prepare to be outperformed by your talented peers. You'll have to work hard to keep up with the star pupils in the class. This excites your competitive instincts. By staying focused and putting in the work, you'll receive top marks. It won't be easy, but it will be rewarding. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with a classmate who has an alluring accent.

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Powerful desires prompt you to venture out of a familiar situation. Whether it's asking someone for a date, showing off your creative talent or demanding a job interview, you'll do whatever it takes to get what you want. Some people will be shocked by your audacious behaviour, but most will admire it. You're normally very patient. When your instincts tell you time is of the essence, you should listen. Stop worrying about being gracious and make your needs known.

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You have tremendous appeal. Don't be surprised when you become the object of several people's desire. If you're looking for love, you will find it with someone who shares your insatiable curiosity about life. Together, you'll enjoy travelling the world, exchanging books and discussing politics. Are you already in a relationship? Listen to your partner's advice about a bold plan. Take the first step towards your dream or you'll regret it. The Universe is beckoning you to make a change.

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Beware of working past the point of exhaustion. Unless you take short breaks throughout the day, you will lose perspective of how your body is withstanding the pressure. The last thing you want is to fall victim to exhaustion before you finish a project. Fortunately, you are surrounded by helpful people. Ask for their assistance when your energy starts to flag. Sharing the credit for this work will establish you as a valuable team player. Resist the temptation to hog the spotlight all to yourself.

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A strong love of pleasure prompts you to set work aside for the sake of play. You simply can't bring yourself to carry out boring tasks when you're in such a great mood. Going to the zoo, museum or park will make your heart sing with joy. If you've always enjoyed sports, head for the ice skating rink or playing field. Anyone who dares calls you lazy is just jealous of your joie de vivre. Stay away from these sour individuals and continue to have fun.

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You're protective of loved ones. Don't take this instinct too far. Sometimes the best way to show your devotion is to have faith in an individual. By allowing them to make their own mistakes, you'll pave the way for a healthy relationship. Only come forward to help when you are asked. This is especially important with children. Expect them to test their boundaries and take risks. They'll soon learn their own limitations and avoid foolhardy choices. Until then, breathe deep and be patient.

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It will take longer than expected to get the results you want. If someone asks you to revise a project, take deep breaths and do as you are told. You will be rewarded for your diligence. It feels like time is running out, but you actually have ample opportunity to meet a looming deadline. Continue to experiment with different techniques until you hit upon one that works well. You might have to spend more money on quality materials, but the added expense will achieve the desired effect.

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You have no problem speaking your mind, even if it embarrasses your audience. As far as you're concerned, time is too precious to beat around the bush. If you think somebody isn't doing their fair share, you'll say so. This will send shock waves through your social circle, despite the fact lots of people secretly share your opinion. Contrary to popular opinion, you don't intend to hurt anyone. You simply want the work to be divided evenly. When it's not, you're more likely than not to kick up a fuss.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Starting a project gives you a new lease on life. Although your enthusiasm is high now, you should pace yourself. Pouring all your energy into the initial phase will result in burnout. You should finish what you've started. Completing an impressive piece of work will open the door to bigger and better opportunities. You must prove to the world you are capable of working independently. People will think you are a quitter if you give up before crossing the finish line.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You won't be able to assert yourself, due to an imposing authoritarian who hates being challenged. Flying beneath the radar will give you a chance to acquire some valuable experience without being taken to task. Other members of the team don't realise it isn't possible to attract favourable attention with this assignment. They will walk away upset, angry and confused. Not you. You know exactly where you stand, which helps you to make the best of a bad situation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The best way to achieve your goals is by working with others. You'll have much more influence as part of a team. You've got wonderful ideas for updating an old fashioned institution. Although you don't want to do away with time honoured traditions, it is important to move with the times. Fortunately, your ideas have lots of support. The other members of your organisation will work hard to put your ideas into practice. If you meet with resistance, people will band together to endorse your plan.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Success will come easily to you. That's because you're willing to do all the hard work necessary to get ahead. Many of your peers dream about getting the top spot. When it comes to pursuing this position, they have all sorts of excuses for not going after it. You're different. Getting additional training, earning an advanced degree or learning a language are all steps you are willing to take. Landing your dream job will give you a chance to travel the world whilst getting paid.

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