
There is a serious struggle ahead so be prepared. You'll have to work past the point of exhaustion to get the acknowledgement you deserve. A demanding authority figure doesn't have faith in you. This taskmaster distrusts your irreverent attitude. What they don't understand is your sarcasm is a catalyst for great work. You are far more productive when you feel like you're raging against the machine. Make it your mission to establish yourself as the hardest working person in the entire organisation.

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It feels like you're putting in more to a relationship than you are getting. Adjusting this balance won't be easy. The object of your affection is greedy for affection. They soak up your generosity like a dry sponge. Unfortunately, your amour simply isn't capable of returning kind gestures. Stop accepting second best. You have a right to a partner who will treat you with as much care as you give. Issue an ultimatum. If it is not met, move on to greener pastures.

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Working with someone who is a stickler for rules is boring. Unfortunately, you have no alternative. Do your best to dispatch duties as quickly as possible so your time together will be minimal. If it's impossible to escape this pest, ask to be reassigned. You're a free spirit who doesn't fare well with those who try to impose limits on you. Are you looking for a job? It may be difficult to find a steady position. Be willing to accept a series of temporary assignments.

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It will be impossible to express yourself freely. Your boss doesn't like your offbeat sense of humour. Any time you make a joke, it's like another black mark has been made against you. While everyone else is getting good assignments and positive feedback, you're continually criticised. This may be the push you require to change jobs or launch your own business. There are worse things in life than leaving a secure position. Listen to your heart; it rarely steers you wrong.

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Getting along with family is difficult. You're tired of being discouraged from pursuing your dreams. Cautious relatives think you're foolhardy. What they don't understand is adventure is as critical to you as food and water. Leading a predictable life will make you miserable. Continue to take bold risks. When you fall short of your goals, remain philosophical. If you're going to win big, you have to gamble. A few losses will occur along the way, but you're willing to accept the consequences.

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It's difficult to see the light at the end of a tunnel. Don't let a gloomy outlook spoil your chances for success. When met with disappointment, strengthen your resolve. The only way to realise your dream is to stand firm in the face of adversity. There is still a chance you will fail, but at least you will have tried your hardest. Everyone is vulnerable to doubt. Overcoming fears takes practice. Learn how to tune out self defeating thoughts. They're your worst enemy.

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Money matters are causing stress. You love luxuries but don't want to work night and day for them. Treat your leisure time like a precious possession. When you aren't working, pursue your favourite activities. Visiting gardens, museums and galleries will quell your desire for shopping sprees. Of course, you'll always enjoy good food, beautiful clothes and expensive toiletries. Give yourself these items as gifts whenever you've been working especially hard. There's nothing noble about depriving yourself of the finer things in life.

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You're not satisfied with anyone or anything. Resist the temptation to complain to anyone who will listen. While your high standards are admirable, it isn't always appropriate to impose them on hapless service workers. Your romantic partner will also tire of hearing your remarks on everything from poor laundering to bad cooking to late mail delivery. Whenever you catch yourself dwelling on your disappointment, turn your thoughts to a more cheerful subject.

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The scales have fallen from your eyes and you realise you are dealing with a deeply flawed person. That's what you get for putting loved ones on pedestals. If you've been wilfully deceived, it will take time and effort for your amour to recover your trust. Instead of judging this person on their words, assess their character on the basis of how they behave. There is a chance your friend will never recover from an addiction. Be prepared to walk away from such a toxic relationship.

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A no win battle with an authority figure will erupt. Although you are firmly convinced their plans are destined to fail, nothing you will say can change their opinion. Therefore, you can either carry out their orders or move on to greener pastures. Resist the temptation to quit in a huff. If you decide to leave, give plenty of notice. Be diplomatic when explaining your reason for moving on. You will need this employee's referral sooner than you realise.

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It's important to take responsibility for your actions. Even if you've turned over a new leaf, your past actions will come back to haunt you. Apologise to anyone you hurt. Don't expect them to forgive you. The only way to get back into a loved one's good graces is to demonstrate improved behaviour. Even then, your transgressions may have been so hurtful that even your new way of life won't prompt compassion. Prepare to be rejected. You can't win them all.

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This isn't a good time to pamper yourself. There's lots of work to be done before you can rest. Instead of doing the bare minimum, push yourself harder than ever. You can meet a very tight deadline by remaining focused. Avoid gossipy colleagues and stay off the Internet until you've finished your duties. Listening to upbeat music will quicken your pace and take your mind off the drudgery. By fulfilling all your duties now, you'll be able to assume a more reasonable pace in the days ahead.

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