
You have an opportunity to make more money, as long as you accept a greater measure of responsibility. Fortunately, you're blessed with leadership skills. You have no problem issuing orders, even if it means angering certain members of the team. Your first priority is getting the job done. Your new role will lead to some power struggles, but don't let that worry you. It's obvious to everyone you have the superior skills. In the end, talent will win the day.

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Trust your instincts about an adventurous possibility. Although you take great comfort from familiar routines, it's important to try new things. Travelling to a country with a radically different culture will be stimulating. You'll get a chance to sample some wonderful cuisine, experience another lifestyle and enjoy distinct craftsmanship. Take along a friend if you're worried about going alone. You'll enjoy discussing your impressions as you explore this strange terrain. Put your worries aside and book your trip.

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Working in seclusion will be a nice change of pace. Normally, you gain energy from a crowd. You're a little more fragile than usual. Go someplace quiet where you can hear yourself think. A demanding colleague should be avoided at all costs. Just because you've helped them in the past doesn't mean you're on call for them. Get some distance from this pest. You have more important things to do than serve as their unpaid assistant. Draw a healthy boundary when you've regained your strength.

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Friends will be very helpful, whereas a romantic partner will drain your energy. It feels great to be around people who want to help you. Let your loved ones relieve you of dreaded chores and give emotional support. The more receptive you are to their aid, the more you will realise what you need from your amour. Every relationship involves give and take. If you are always pouring energy into your partner without getting anything in return, there is a problem.

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You're in high demand, which is gratifying. Put your energy in to people and activities that give you pleasure. A quarrelsome relative should not be your first priority. If you have to stop taking calls and messages from this pest, so be it. You're tired of going above and beyond the call of duty for them, only to be criticised. Fortunately, most people recognise you for the star you are. By sticking close to your fans, you'll gain a better sense of perspective.

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Becoming an expert will be an interesting challenge. Usually, you go straight to the head of your class. That won't be the case this time, when you're surrounded by similarly bright people. Getting top marks will take more time and effort than you expected. Double your efforts and stay focused. The harder you work during this phase, the stronger your mastery will be. By the time you graduate, you'll be able to attract much better job opportunities. Keep the faith.

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You can't turn your feelings on and off like a light switch. If someone is going to get in your good graces, they must be nice to you. Explain this to your romantic partner. There's nothing wrong with asking for kind words and considerate gestures. People have different ways of experiencing love. Some need words of affirmation. Others want acts of service. A few people prefer receiving gifts, while many prefer quality time. Physical touch is another means to show affection.

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Working with others will go well as long as you don't try to always have your way. Although some of the team seem slow and stubborn, their careful pace will work to your benefit. Focus on your own responsibilities. The most successful partnerships involve people who give each other lots of leeway. Your strengths are different. It's only natural each of you takes another approach to work. Whenever possible, show your appreciation for your colleague.

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Work is fulfilling. It feels good to make money from the sweat of your brow. Lately, it feels like you've been operating in a vacuum. That period of isolation has come to an end. You're finally able to get the recognition you deserve for your contributions. You may be surprised to learn you will be receiving your raise. An attentive manager has been watching your progress and appreciates your humble attitude. These days, it's hard to find someone who dispatches their duties without complaint.

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Friends are putting too many demands on you. Instead of coming to their aid, do something nice for yourself. Reading, watching movies or listening to music will restore your good spirits. If you're inspired to launch a creative project of your own, do it. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be busy with work every minute of the day. It's important to relax. When your loved ones realise they can't summon you on a whim, they'll become more self-sufficient. This will be better for everyone involved.

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Doing domestic chores can give you a welcome sense of security. Lately, you've been running around like a chicken with your head cut off. You're ready to slow down and catch your breath. Making comfort food can be soothing. Take time out of your busy schedule to cook something that is a delight to the senses. If you're not comfortable in the kitchen, this would be a good time to clear out some closets and drawers. Making space for things in your abode will attract fresh, uplifting energy.

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Putting your feelings into words will be easier than usual. You know you have the support of your closest friends. Your romantic partner will be upset by your remarks. Nobody likes being told they are falling short of expectations. Although you're a very compassionate person, you have to defend your interests. If you're not getting the loving care you deserve, speak up. Be specific about how you want to be treated from this moment forward. If your partner won't agree, it may be time to part ways.

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