
Favourable aspects prompt you to make travel plans you have been contemplating for some time. There's a very good chance that this journey will open your eyes to a social phenomenon to which you were previously blind. Don't turn away; this is a valuable learning experience and you need to broaden your horizons.

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It's time to have a discuss finances with someone important to you; otherwise, things will continue to grow tense between you two. If you're not in a relationship, maybe it's because you associate self worth with what you possess. Refuse to take orders from people you dislike and consult your heart instead. It's the best way to jump-start your income.

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Finding out what makes a person tick has never been so much fun as it is now; catch somebody by surprise with a blunt question. Their answer may delight, amaze or enthral you. It may turn out that the two of you have more in common than you initially thought. Whatever the case, there is a strong, undeniable pull between you.

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A TV or radio programme or magazine article could change your mind about the way you treat your body. Never underestimate the effect of your physical health on your emotional outlook. The reason you're feeling so pessimistic is because you are allowing your body to fall into disuse. Take a walk and breathe the fresh air. It could change your world.

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You've finally gotten a handle on a relative who has always been a mystery to you, thanks to your increasing maturity you understand them better than ever. Perhaps it's time the two of you joined forces in a creative project? While you've got all the imagination, this person has the drive. You're about to learn a lesson in teamwork from someone extraordinary.

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Idle gossip has a nasty way of backfiring; keep hurtful information to yourself, no matter how tempted you are to blab. Whether you realise it or not, you undermine your own reputation every time you tell a nasty story about somebody else. You'll start feeling better about yourself once you stop judging others.

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Face it: you're at a great disadvantage when it comes to an emerging industry you know nothing about. Increase your earning power by taking a class in the subject. This may seem tedious at first, but you'll quickly gain interest once you are exposed to the information in question. Give yourself a chance to grow, both intellectually and monetarily.

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You're at your sexiest when you express that insatiable curiosity of yours; don't hesitate to ask an expert questions re: their field. Your may fall head over heels for your ‘teacher’, but that comes with the territory. The more you know, the easier it will be to get your way with a bureaucracy. Keep digging.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Cultivating your creativity can be incredibly difficult if you allow your actions to be controlled by others. How can you listen to your inner voice when you allow people around you to drown it out? The best course of action may be to get away on your own for a few days. You have so much to give inside of you, isn’t it time to just give it?

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't underestimate the importance of leading a rich, spiritual life; all the money in the world can't buy contentment. Take an hour or two to discover your core personal beliefs. They would have undoubtedly changed over the years. Are you living your truths? It's hard to be happy when you don't practice what you preach.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Trust your intuition to help you through an embarrassing social situation; onlookers admire your ability to outsmart the opposition. A romantic rival may be trying to make you look stupid in front of a certain someone. Don't rise to the bait. Confidence is the greatest aphrodisiac known to man (or woman, for that matter).

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You probably know more about a particular subject than one of your superiors, but tread warily. Bruising this person's ego could be a fatal mistake for you. Think of ways to feed them information without revealing their ignorance to the entire world. Your reward will come sooner than you think.

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