
You're used to coming first in relationships, but that may change today because a lover or child needs to be front and centre. Whether this involves visiting a place you can't stand or cancelling your own plans for their sake is immaterial. The important thing is you demonstrate you can make concessions in the name of love. If you've been having trouble conceiving a child, think about devising an alternative game plan.

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Emotional and financial restrictions on the home front are taking their toll. Happily, a female relative can offer much needed help. It's all a matter of asking. If you've been struggling with mother issues, now is the time to resolve them. It may require getting a third party involved. If you're convinced this problem isn't worth the trouble, think about ways you can develop your own nurturing instincts. This can help heal old wounds.

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It may be hard to articulate your feelings, but try anyway. You may have been raised with the idea that it's impolite to discuss sensitive issues in public. Unfortunately, skirting such topics is creating a real emotional block for you. Swallow the lump in your throat and say what's on your mind. If this proves too difficult, a carefully worded letter is a good alternative. Either way, it's time to get this stuff off your chest.

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Surrounding yourself with material luxuries won't ease that ache inside. The only way you can resolve this issue is by giving yourself the thing you really need: private time. If this means relinquishing responsibilities designed to boost your reputation, so be it. There's no shame in getting a babysitter, putting in fewer hours, or curtailing volunteer work. Spend your newfound leisure time however you please, whether it's taking a nap or writing a book.

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If other people aren't living their lives the way you see fit, so be it. Your primary focus should be your own happiness. Consider what will happen if you put pleasure ahead of responsibility today. Book a day off from work and it could make you more productive on subsequent days. It's all a matter of balance. If you're single, it's possible that you're attracted to someone who is much older or younger than you. Follow your heart.

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There's no harm in pursuing a hobby in secret. In fact, this may be your best defence against pessimists who think all activities that aren't related to making money are a waste of time. The fact is, the more time you spend on things which give you pleasure, the happier you will be. You don't have to share the fruits of your labour with anyone. In fact, you may get more satisfaction from harbouring this delicious secret.

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If you don't put limits on a group, they will run roughshod all over you. Yes, you want to get together in the name of fun, but this doesn't mean people can do whatever they want. If you're hosting a party, ask for help with the cleanup, keep the music to an acceptable level, and stow fragile items in a safe place. Otherwise, what should be a pleasant experience could turn into one that brings bitter regrets.

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If you want to be respected, you'll have to render some unpopular decisions. So long as these rulings are made in the group's best interest, you shouldn't feel bad. If, on the other hand, you arrange things to satisfy your ego, you'll be in for an unpleasant awakening. You have a responsibility to the people beneath you. Betraying this duty will make your job ten times harder. Think about it.

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Showing respect for other people's beliefs is the secret to your success. That doesn't mean you have to deny your own principles. It just means you treat everybody with the dignity they deserve. At times, it may seem someone's attitudes are a threat to your way of living. If that's the case, refuse to debate the merits of your respective belief systems. Simply receive this person's ideas with quiet acceptance, and move on to another topic.

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Never underestimate the importance of sensual pleasure to your own happiness. Yes, it's nice to have lots of money, plenty of friends, and abundant health, but you can't truly enjoy these things until you abandon yourself to physical gratification. Treat yourself to a sumptuous meal, expensive creature comfort, or blissful evening between the sheets. You're long overdue for such an indulgence.

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If someone has been rubbing you the wrong way, it may be because you aren't taking them seriously. Although their concerns may seem trivial to you, they are of extreme importance to the person in question. Think about how you feel when people mock issues close to your heart. It's fundamentally disrespectful. When you engage in the same behaviour, you're inflicting the same sort of pain. Make a heartfelt apology today.

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Adhering too strongly to a routine could make you miserable. Recognise there are times when unusual circumstances will force you to make a change. That doesn't mean you're undisciplined or unworthy. It just means you are able to adapt to sudden changes. If you're unhappy with your level of fitness, you need to take baby steps toward your exercise goals. Beating yourself up will only make it easier to give up.

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