
It could well be you have some important financial or legal matters to discuss with a partner or professional. Come what may, there is a practical accent on the day and you want to know your views are being taken seriously. Although the going may get tough, something you see or hear will help lighten the situation. You will start to realise you aren't the only one who is feeling tense and nervous.

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Exercise your undoubted Taurus charm if you have a favour to ask of other people today. Along with the chance to further your ambitions will be the cooperation and helpfulness of those around you. Possibly there will be a growing respect for someone in authority when you see the positive effects of their leadership skills. Joint efforts will start to pay off over the next few weeks.

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You may have to make adjustments to your usual routines to fit in new interests. Chances are you will be so intrigued by some new developments in your life you will actually look forward to the changes ahead. You could become deeply involved with affairs connected with someone you work with. Getting together outside working hours could for instance give you immense delight.

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Temptation whispers in one ear, your conscience advises 'no' in the other! Which do you listen to? You're feeling slightly impetuous and you are inclined to opt for gratifying ways to spend the day. A moment's instant gratification could lead to a lifetime of regret. If you do anything which might hurt someone you love, consider all possible consequences. There is no doubt you will be sorry if you take a foolish risk today.

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Even you might find it hard to keep up with a friend or loved one who seems to have boundless energy. They're so far ahead you might sometimes feel you aren't being given the chance to join in with all the choices and decision making. Regardless of all this, you can't complain about the excellent company around you today. Try to grin and bear it if sometimes you feel as if you're being frustratingly slow in comparison with others!

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Normally you find it easy to focus on what you are doing; today too many distractions exist. Don't get too dismayed if other people keep trying to pick your mind. One person in particular constantly asks for advice and guidance. The reason they won't leave you alone is because they have something more personal on their mind. If you're single and someone hints they fancy you, don't make it hard for them, will you?

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Someone you've recently met seems to be asking a lot of personal questions and prying into your private life. You should not feel obliged to give away information you would rather they did not know. Just smile and say nothing! At work there is official confirmation of some extra money coming your way. This could be a one off bonus or a rise in pay.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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If you're ambitious in any way it's worth studying what's currently going on behind the scenes. Ask subtle questions and even do some discreet eavesdropping if you feel this is necessary in order to discover who you can rely on and who might not be as cooperative in the future as you'd like. On the face of things, it may look as if everything is relaxed and easy going but some people are making secret plans you will want to know about.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Today you will be glad of the company of friends and workmates who let you get on with your own business. Those who do try to interfere will be told in no uncertain terms that you prefer to get on without their meddling. Any realistic self assessment can only come through you being able to evaluate independent efforts; it's the only way to gauge your capabilities. Even so your need to get on in private could generate a degree of tension.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Benefits are to be had through working as a team; you are anxious to make a good impression on others. If you're asked to take on new responsibilities in a joint project you will find other people admire your skills and appreciate your involvement. Someone you love appears to feel a wee bit neglected and sorry for themselves. If you leave them to stew in their own misery, they might find something of their own to do!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Strong emotional reactions to work related problems could cause complications on the work scene. A colleague is acting strangely. If you aren't able to determine the reason for their behaviour, how are you supposed to know how to react? You might also feel you're wasting a lot of time today having to travel further afield than normal to carry out some obligations.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You want to reach a self imposed target and in your current determined mood, you are almost certain to succeed. You won't be too taken aback by any problems you're faced with as the day begins. You have dealt with similar situations before and you know you will confidently deal with these again. You might receive confirmation of a recent financial transaction and this will be a load off your mind.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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