
Keep plans a secret. You may be in close contact with a hidden enemy who wants to undermine your progress. There's no reason to tell anyone about your plans to land a better job, win someone's heart or achieve prominence in a creative field. Operating by stealth will yield impressive results. You have the ability to land a high profile position that will give you lots of power. This will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. Don't give them advance notice of your intentions.

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You're able to make a good impression on others. Although you're kind and gracious, you're not a pushover. When manipulators try to take advantage of your generosity, you will draw a boundary that is impossible to cross. Nobody can pressure you into giving them money or favours they don't deserve. Your scrupulous behaviour causes others to put their faith in you. Don't be surprised when you're given an opportunity to mentor people seeking guidance. You're an excellent role model.

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You have the ability to share valuable knowledge to others. Some will be receptive to your guidance, while others will reject it. Resist the temptation to heap scorn on those who ignore your advice. It's not your job to convert people. Acting defensive will only undermine your reputation as a talented, capable worker. If you're suffering from health problems, adopt some relaxation techniques. This will help you cope with the stress of rejection. It takes time to build a movement.

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Take pride in your accomplishments. Others who belittle your contributions are secretly threatened. They know that without your presence, the surroundings will be disorganised and chaotic. You have a subtle way of motivating people to do their best. When you're not on the scene, workers begin slacking off. People become rude and uncooperative. Therefore, you are critical to the team's success. Anyone who dares challenge your performance should be reminded of this. Your success can't be measured quantifiably; it is an understated but essential ingredient.

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A generous relative can put you on the path to financial security. If you receive an inheritance or gift of money, spend it wisely. It's best to put this windfall into a savings account that will protect you from economic uncertainty. If you have a choice between continuing to work and leaving a job, choose the former. Having a steady income will keep you from dipping into savings. You might be able to reduce your hours or take a job that is more emotionally rewarding.

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A course of study will require patience and intelligence. Fortunately, you possess both qualities. Don't get discouraged when it becomes hard to master an elusive concept. A helpful teacher will offer additional training. Be sure to accept this assistance. If you're looking for romance, you could find it with one of your fellow students. You have similar sensual natures. The chemistry between you will be immediately apparent to everyone in your social circle.

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Take your responsibilities seriously. If you're given a job, do everything in your power to deliver it on time and under budget. When customers and colleagues find you are reliable, they will reward you with bigger and better assignments. In the past, you had a tendency to make promises with a pinch of salt. Be more vigilant about delivering on these pledges. You may not realise it, but your family models their behaviour after yours. Be the role model you always wanted as a child.

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You have to make some personal sacrifices to achieve career success. If you're going to lead a team to victory, you will have to be hard on the less industrious members of the group. As a result, you won't be terribly popular. Many will complain about your methods, but nobody can argue with the results of your work. You know how to get the best performance from the people around you. That's a rare quality that should be championed. You should be gentler with people in your private life.

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Channel your vivid imagination into creative work. Dreaming about what could be is fine, but it won't put you in a better place. Take this opportunity to make some money from your artistic ability. It doesn't matter whether this means creating a popular product, writing a best seller or launching a humanitarian organisation or charitable campaign. The important thing is to look inward for inspiration. Don't worry about what friends and family value. Summon the courage to go your own way.

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Organising a fundraiser will be a good use of your leadership ability. People respect your ability to make difficult decisions. You might have to cut budgets too, if this means letting some people go so be it. Although these choices will have an adverse effect on individuals, they will make the group stronger. Do everything in your power to help worthy people who have to be fired for monetary reasons. Write glowing recommendations, set up job interviews and offer career advice.

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Your ambition is stronger than ever. You have an opportunity to work behind the scenes for an important executive. It feels good to be appreciated for your organisational skills. You have the ability to make a harried person's life a lot easier. There won't be much public acknowledgement for your contributions. Try to be satisfied with a good salary and steady job. If you want fame and acclaim, put your creative work on display. You will make a respected name in an artistic field.

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Achieving master status will take time, patience and diligence. In the past, it was hard for you to achieve your goals. You were easily discouraged and tended to throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble. It's time to end this trend. Take your cues from a successful friend who refuses to back down in the face of adversity. Ask for their guidance when you feel vulnerable. If you stay strong, you can get a license or diploma that will greatly improve your career prospects.

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