
Someone who owes you money may need a bit of gentle prodding if you're every going to get it back. You've never been one to beat around the bush, and this is instance is no exception. Your pal may try to pull a bit of emotional blackmail on you. If this happens, take it as a red flag that your relationship is built on shaky foundations.

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Going back to work makes it difficult to enjoy your free time; try your best to live in the moment. The more relaxed you are on Monday, the easier it will be to vault over hurdles. Part of the problem may be that you appear too defensive to your rivals. Instead of running through a series of worst case scenarios, assume all will go well.

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An anxiety ridden dream is a warning that you are getting too wrapped up in petty details. Although your talents are considerable, they don't include predicting the future. Let things unfold in their own good time. Meanwhile, busy yourself with work that fills you with a sense of purpose. A writing project can be especially rewarding.

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Making too many promises could backfire badly on you; scale back your commitments. The reason you feel compelled to say "yes" to every request is rooted in people pleasing. Think about pleasing yourself first, especially when you find your free time disappearing into thin air. You could really use a break.

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Look through the help wanted ads to find out what kind of salary your present job is fetching. There may be a bit of a discrepancy, and it's up to you to demand what you're worth. Fortunately, you never have a problem speaking up for your rights. The question is whether you can state your position while remaining sensitive to your superior's ego.

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Forming a binding relationship is not a good idea at present; you're better off going solo for the present. That doesn't mean you can't find support from existing camps. Spending more time with trusted friends can make you feel more safe and secure, especially after spending a few hours swimming with sharks in human form.

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Your energy is drained because you and a loved one don't see eye-to-eye. Resist the urge to take on too many tasks as a means of being distracted. You're apt to make mistakes when you have so many emotional burdens. Working out at the gym can help, but the best solution is to arrive at a compromise before going to bed this evening.

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Your urge to win every argument could put a relationship on dangerous ground. Instead of moving in for the kill with a cantankerous relative, make a strategic retreat. They'll probably sense that you have the power to reduce their arguments to dust. This is far more diplomatic than stripping this person of every last shred of dignity.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A neighbour or acquaintance is getting a little too close for comfort, and you've got to speak up. The problem is that so many people see you as a friend to everybody. You've got to disabuse this pest of this notion. If you don't, you may be forced to answer telephone calls at all hours of the day and night. You have better things to do!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You tend to form snap judgements of people, which cuts you off from many potential friendships. Instead of sizing folks up on the basis of their dress and speech, try to remain objective. Somebody could surprise you with an unexpected gesture of kindness or bravery. You could benefit from such a chum, especially these days.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You need constant change to stay stimulated and motivated. If life has become a little boring these days, think about moving to a new neighbourhood. An area that allows you to mix with your neighbours on a regular basis would probably benefit you most. You're too social to lead a life that exists of going straight from home to work and back again.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone from the past could try to lure you back into their sphere of influence. Instead of running the risk of getting sucked back in again, refuse to meet at all. You've come such a long way since the New Year began. Do you really want to throw all that progress out the window? Deep inside, you know this character has your worst interests at heart.

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