
Streamlining your work space will make you much more productive. As a general rule, you don't have much patience for picking things up and stowing them away. That's why you're often surrounded by chaos. Usually, you're able to function quite well in messy surroundings. When it gets to the point where you can't find basic supplies, it's time to tidy up. Play upbeat music while you sort through files, put things in their proper places and eliminate clutter. You might as well whistle while you work.

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Take this opportunity to make an inventory of what you need. Whether you are shopping for clothes, food or art supplies, you'll get the great value for your money by planning ahead. Although you like bargains, you shouldn't necessarily purchase the cheapest items every time. If you see something of superior quality that is a little more expensive, feel free to purchase it. Buying shoddy materials isn't a bargain in the long run. Splash out on at least one luxury item.

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Creating a comfortable home life takes careful thought. What do you require to feel supported, relaxed and secure? Do you buy furniture and artwork based on other people's taste, or do you trust your own instincts? Is there a way you can arrange your household so it serves you better? For instance, you may want to move to a smaller bedroom if you're sleeping in a space that feels cold and intimidating. Or you might want to turn your dining room into an art studio space. Think about it.

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You have wonderful ideas for helping underserved members of your community. Getting everyone involved with a beautification project will bring neighbours together in a spirit of harmony. It will become easier to deal with civic challenges when people know each other on a first name basis. Best of all, people will get a greater measure of control over their lives. In this age of technological alienation, that's a tremendous accomplishment. Be receptive to suggestions and new ideas.

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Your earthy sense of humour attracts lots of admirers. People who don't know you very well are intimidated by your regal carriage. After they've seen you in action, they realise you often climb down from your throne and abandon yourself to pleasure. Someone who is enchanted with your personality will offer you a lucrative job. You're eager to make more money but have no intention of getting romantically involved. You have lots of experience dodging unwanted advances.

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You'll stop at nothing until you succeed. You're not interested in making lots of money or gaining power. You simply want to exercise your talent to the best of your ability. It doesn't really matter whatever this might involve so long as you feel more fulfilled and contented. The important thing is to find your niche and because you're good at spotting hidden opportunities you should keep your eyes open and ear to the ground. A chance for you to shine is right around the corner.

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Getting involved with a charitable cause will be a lot more interesting than you expect. Fulfilling a desire to give back will lead to an engrossing study on human nature. You'll especially enjoy working with people who have a different outlook than friends, relatives and colleagues. When you're in their company, you'll think about things you often take for granted. Giving comfort to others is a natural extension of your generosity. Empowering them will be a reflection of your desire for justice.

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You have strong feelings but rarely show them in public. When asked to help, you find practical means to lend support. Whether that's recommending a friend for a job, running an errand for a busy relative or cooking a meal for a sick neighbour is immaterial. The important thing is to ease their burden in a pragmatic way. When someone tries to draw you into an emotional conversation, you resist. You have enough trouble controlling your own feelings than to get drawn into someone else's drama.

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People gravitate towards you because you exude an aura of calm stability. When you're in charge, work gets done. Petty politics gets pushed aside for the sake of progress. This sensible attitude is greatly appreciated by your superiors. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise or promotion. If you're asked to take the helm of a high profile project, demand a bonus in return. It's important to get paid what you are worth. When you hold yourself in high regard, the rest of the world will.

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You're ready to venture into unfamiliar territory. Being the best at what you do is no longer satisfying. You want to try your hand at something different. Learning to paint, build furniture, fix a car or play a musical instrument will give you the intellectual stimulation you crave. The more you exercise your brain, the happier you will be. Your positive attitude will attract a moneymaking opportunity that gives long term financial stability. Keep smiling. Everything is coming up roses.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your sensual side demands expression. Instead of throwing on the most comfortable pair of trousers, take extra time with your appearance. Wear something that makes you feel fabulous. Splash on some cologne and draw attention to your best feature. You're sure to attract admirers. If you're single, you will meet someone at a book club, discussion group or political meeting. Keep your eyes open for someone with a quick wit and incisive mind. Are you in a relationship? Lure your amour into a passionate embrace.

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Playing hard to get only adds fuel to an admirer's ardour. It's nice to be admired, but entering into a relationship shouldn't be taken lightly. Wait and see how a friendship develops before steering it into passionate waters. Do you already have a partner? You would be wise to take their advice about a health matter. Instead of getting defensive, think about how feeling and looking better will enhance your self-esteem. Treat your amour's concern for what it really is: A sincere desire to help.

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