
Overcoming a bad habit is possible. Your willpower is at an all time high. Take this opportunity to forge a happier, healthier future. Avoid people and places that put you in the path of temptation. Join a support group to deal with cravings. Join forces with a friend who is also undergoing a self improvement programme. Being accountable to a supportive person is half the battle. If you want to buy a home or car, you could get a great rate on a loan.

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Your romantic partner will encourage you to develop your interests, write a blog or launch an Internet business. With the support of your amour, you can move mountains. It's time to get out of a rut. Moving into unfamiliar territory will be scary but stimulating. A caring mentor will be happy to show you the ropes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's the fastest way to learn. You'll soon earn fame and acclaim for your efforts. The best is yet to be.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The opportunity to acquire some valuable job skills will be given to you. You'll welcome the challenge to master complicated concepts and difficult techniques. Working alongside an older colleague will be enlightening. It's never been easy for you to focus for long periods of time. Spending time with a seasoned professional will teach you the art of patience and persistence. After you've fulfilled your duties as apprentice, you will be able to pursue a lucrative job. Hard work pays off.

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Being a devoted parent or romantic partner is a natural extension of your loving personality. If there's anything you enjoy, it's creating a comfortable life for your nearest and dearest. It's important for a generous person like you to enjoy plenty of self pampering. Devoting a little time each day to artistic pursuits will keep you from burning out. You've been blessed with considerable artistic ability. Taking a training course will allow you to level it up to a new high.

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Creating a secure home life is your first priority. If you want to buy a place, start looking now. A piece of property that offers plenty of seclusion could greatly appeal for you. Although you enjoy socialising, you want a private haven. Going home to tranquil seclusion helps you rest, relax and recharge your batteries. An older relative could give you the money for a deposit. You may even be given some beautiful family heirlooms that will look perfect in your new home.

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Develop your talent for writing. Taking an adult education course can pay off handsomely. In time, you can land a job involving teaching, journalism or research. The more contacts you make in your desired field, the better. Joining a professional organisation is strongly recommended. If you're looking for work, you could find a job involving lots of travel. This will appeal to your sense of adventure. You'll enjoy exploring cities you've only read about. Buy a souvenir of every place you visit.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A career objective can be met if you're willing to live on a budget. Studying with a respected mentor will give you the knowledge and experience you require to get ahead. Opportunities related to hospitality, public relations and the law can bear significant fruit. Alternatively, you may decide to pursue a job in the arts. Try not to be jealous of friends who are financially prospering. With a little patience and a lot of effort, you'll become more economically secure, as well as emotionally satisfied.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You have the ability to realise a cherished goal. Adding to your qualifications, completing a DIY project or going on an overseas adventure are among the possibilities for you. Don't let anyone or anything interfere with your ambition. You might have to make some temporary sacrifices to finance your dream, but they will seem like minor inconveniences. Take this opportunity to embark on a lifestyle you've always wanted. If you want to boost your career consider taking a job overseas.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Overcoming a persistent fear will be liberating. If you need professional help to conquer a demon, so be it. Gaining a greater sense of control will allow you to go where you want and do what you please. Taking up a sport will appeal to your competitive side. Don't worry if you're clumsy at first. If you keep practicing, you'll become one of the most talented members of the team. All this physical activity will give you an attractive glow.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Knowing people in high places has its benefits. If you're looking for love, let a friend set you up on a blind date. You'll feel an immediate connection with an ambitious artist. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour will encourage you to pursue a childhood dream. This may require you to sacrifice some creature comforts. Don't let that faze you. Any goal worth meeting involves an element of sacrifice. You can reach heights you never thought possible.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may be first in line for a promotion or high profile job. Assuming the lead role will be a good use of your managerial skills. You'll enjoy serving as a mentor to various members of staff. Trust your intuition regarding individual talents. You're great at matching abilities to tasks. Undergoing a fitness regime will have impressive results. Getting stronger, leaner and more energetic will boost your self esteem. Take this opportunity to buy some fashionable items for your wardrobe.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Finding a belief system that gives your life shape and meaning is important. You don't necessarily have to join an organised religion. You may prefer to read inspirational works by people you respect. If you're looking for love, you could find it at a religious, cultural or educational group. It's hard to resist the charms of an upbeat person who has no trouble showing affection. Do you already have a partner? Take a long distance trip with your amour. You'll both have a wonderful time.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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