
An obsessive interest in religion or politics could alienate you from others. There's nothing wrong with having passionate beliefs. You just have to be careful about discussing them in public. People who don't know you well could take offence at your strident opinions. Any attempts at converting colleagues, neighbours, or siblings will fall flat. If you want to discuss your ideas with kindred spirits, join a club devoted to your favourite issues or stick to safer topics like books, movies, and the weather.

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A painful period of your life is coming to an end. It will be difficult to know what to do next. Do yourself a favour and allow yourself a period of mourning. Take six months to just rest, reflect, and heal. Don't make any major decisions during this time. This includes moving, getting married, or starting a new job. People born under your sign have difficulty letting go. Develop strategies for coping with this transitional phase. Working with your hands can be therapeutic.

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An intense relationship is changing the way you look and behave. Concerned friends think your partner has too much influence over your decisions. This is probably true. You've got to assert yourself more often. If you keep deferring to your friend, you'll drive them away. Remember, the reason this person was drawn to you in the first place is because of your unique personality. Let a little of that quirkiness shine through it may cause friction, but it will be liberating.

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Don't fool yourself into thinking you are indispensable to your employer. While it's true you've made some important contributions to your work, you need to remember your position. Bossing other people around will cause problems through the whole organisation. Adopt a more humble attitude toward your job. It's the only way to get the promotion you deserve. If someone is harassing you, you need to report the situation to your superiors.

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A difference of opinion regarding child rearing or dealings with others could upset a good relationship. Take into consideration whether other people are making some good points. If you still think your way is best, you've got to stick to your guns. At work, and in your neighbourhood, you should also try to see the alternative point of view; but always stay determined to do what you think is right if you know in your heart of hearts this is what you have to do.

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Purge your personal life of anyone or anything that is toxic. You simply can't afford to be poisoned by these circumstances any longer. If this means moving out on your own, so be it. You may have to scrimp and save at first, but the sacrifice will be worth it. If you can't afford to make a break right now, make preparations for one. Get a job, put a good portion of your income into savings each week, and formulate a strategy for starting a new life.

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Harsh words from someone you always admired could change your opinion of them forevermore. You have no tolerance for prejudice or cruelty. Distancing yourself from this person will save you a lot of heartache. Sure, you may not be the target of their abuse now, but that could change soon. If relations with a neighbour have become intolerable, it may be time to move. What's more important, standing your ground or preserving your sanity?

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Arguments over money could cause you a lot of worry. You're fighting to keep what is yours. If you're embroiled in a divorce, you need to hire a professional who will guard your interests. Keep in mind that a lawyer isn't a magician. If the law states your partner has a right to money you made, there's precious little you can do to alter the situation. Cut your losses and start anew. Dwelling on the situation will only make you crazy.

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Trying to coerce someone into doing things your way will destroy a relationship. Consider whether you want to stay connected with this person or not. If you want to drive your friend out of your life, then by all means, continue what you have been doing. If you intend on keeping your beloved close, you will need to back down. Accept the fact you may not get your way this time, if you are going to stay together, you should be looking for compromises.

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A behind the scenes power struggle could affect your health. Nervous ailments like headaches, stomach pains, or back trouble could take a toll on you. Find an outlet for all of your nervous energy. Gentle exercise can ease your stresses and strains. If you really want to rid your life of trouble, stop getting involved in work related dramas. Let other people worry about promotions and raises and just focus on doing your job.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Trying to wrest power away from the team leader could backfire. Although you're one of the most popular members of the group, you don't like to make unpopular decisions, and that's exactly what you'll have to do if you take the helm of this organisation. Leave the big decisions to somebody else and focus on being useful. The rank and file may not have much say over how things are run, but they do enjoy more leisure time.

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An authority figure's oppressive behaviour is starting to get you down. It's time to say something to speak out, or your loved ones will suffer even more. Maybe your boss keeps calling your house during off hours. Perhaps your employer doesn't think you're entitled to leisure time. Whatever the reason, you've got to draw a line in the sand. If this means losing your position, so be it. There are plenty of jobs in the sea.

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