
Some old, hurt feelings come to the surface when loved ones can't make time for you. Be fair; you can't expect folks to drop everything for you now that your schedule is free. Instead of wallowing in despair, do something productive. Clean out your closets, organise your storage spaces, and streamline your kitchen cabinets.

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Attending a social gathering is a daunting prospect; you'd rather sit home alone. You need to push past your fears and meet new people. Being a good conversationalist takes practice. Have several topics of general interest ready to discuss. That way, you'll be able to fill in any awkward lags that are bound to occur.

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It's hard not to compare your financial situation to that of a wealthy friend. Dwelling on these thoughts will only make you feel jealous and resentful. Make a list of three things you can do to improve your income within the next three months. By channelling your energy in a positive direction, your fortune will improve.

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You're tired of upholding an image that was considered very important by your elders. Now that you're older, it's time to forge your own future. If this means shedding any customs or traditions that don't fit your lifestyle, so be it. You're not disrespecting your teachers; you're simply taking steps toward your own fulfilment.

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You usually welcome the weekend as an opportunity to cut loose and go wild. Today, however, you want nothing more than to hide from the prying eyes of the public. Spend a quiet evening at home. A little rest and relaxation will give you a boost of energy for the week ahead. Besides, your elusive behaviour will add to your mystique!

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Stop worrying about whether everybody is pleased with your behaviour; it's a losing proposition. If you feel there are gaps in your education, you need to fill them. This could mean taking a class that doesn't seem practical from an outsider's point of view. Your first priority should be following your passions.

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Playing the martyr isn't the best way to win sympathy from the people around you. If you're overwhelmed, ask for help or cut back your responsibilities. That way, you can concentrate on doing the best job you can without worrying about impossible deadlines. If there's no help at hand, then you have to lower your standards.

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It may not feel as though you're able to use your talents to the best of your ability. That may be true, but it's not an excuse to give up your mundane responsibilities. Do what is required of you, then launch an independent project in your spare time. If opportunities aren't coming to you, you have to make them yourself.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Most of the time you're simply bursting with energy, but it may be difficult to do the simplest tasks now. This is probably because your imagination isn't being challenged enough. Think back to the games you used to invent as a child. You're a lot more artistic than you give yourself credit for. Embark on a creative project.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You may have to get some distance from a group of people in order to forge a healthy partnership. Some relationships can't survive when subjected to public scrutiny. Feel free to draw some clear boundaries. You may hear some grumbling at first, but if you stand firm, folks on both sides will come to respect your decision.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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On some level, you simply aren't satisfied with the way things are going right now. A person with your noble instincts needs to be involved with a charitable organisation. Volunteering just an hour or two a week can make an enormous difference to your spiritual and emotional health. Pick a cause that is close to your heart.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've always had a tendency to put off creative projects for money-related reasons. There's no reason why you can't apply for a loan, grant or scholarship. You can even cut back on little luxuries as a means to fund a pet project. The more you delay, the less likely you'll be to make your dreams come true.

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