
You could be seized by a strong and sudden urge to work in a neat and orderly environment. If you are typical of your sign, you work hard to achieve but you don't always see the mess you leave in your wake. Today, you might realise that you could improve your chances of success, simply through being more organised. A tidy workplace and files stored alphabetically will save you time hunting around whenever you might need them. A day spent getting everything in order will be a day well spent.

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Opposing the changes others are suggesting could aggravate existing problems in relationships. If you are working as part of a team and your views are in the minority, this could cause you to confront your own behaviour. Are you being too stubborn? Is there a need to modify your attitude? Perhaps you have gone against certain ideas through force of habit. And it's time now to break out of that mind set and embrace the new.

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You continue to take your obligations seriously. In a legal or financial matter, you need to play your cards close to your chest. You could be forming new ideas about the way money should be handled in the future and looking for ways to enhance your investment potential. Be willing to learn from but don't brood over your past mistakes, especially if there has been monetary loss. And don't make commitments without exploring all the ins and outs.

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You need now to face up to difficulties of a joint nature. You may have been intentionally blotting these out of your consciousness but this seems no longer to be an option. It's no use trying to smooth things over if the same problem crops up again and again. A confrontation cannot be avoided. It will be easier on your nerves if you try not to get too upset.

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There may be a need to put in extra hours because of a heavier than usual work load or absent colleagues. If this is a regular occurrence, you might feel as if you aren't getting enough rest and this could make you grumpy. New job opportunities you hear about today are certainly worth looking into. Even if you didn't have plans to make any changes in this area. Try to find time to be by yourself this evening for quiet reflection and contemplation.

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Although you tend to err on the side of caution, you won't feel guilty about being extra vigilant today. Indeed, even your most adventurous mates seem to be curbing their behaviour, as if they too sense a need to be wary. A newcomer enthuses over new possibilities but you will refuse to allow their high spirits to generate false hope. Not until you know where you stand, will you let your guard down.

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Work and family matters continue to be of equal concern but you feel you have to work harder to maintain the status quo in both areas. Various complications seem to thwart your efforts to keep on top of, let alone get ahead of your current work load. Becoming irritable won't help. If you feel this is a situation you cannot abide for much longer, take steps to find a better position where you'll feel more appreciated.

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If contemplating travel, you are probably better off staying put for today, at least. If spending time away from home you feel pulled in opposing directions. What you want to do conflicts with what others have in mind for you. Be sceptical of advice or suggestions from a friend or sibling. As well meaning as they're trying to be, their perception of the situation could be way off target. Stick with what's familiar and you won't get lost.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You could be privately fuming about a financial mess or muddle but getting angry could make matters worse. Someone's careless handling of joint funds and resources needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Diplomacy, patience and perseverance are all qualities that you need to develop if your temper is not to be your downfall. Don't let tension interfere with your usually sound judgement.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If partners agree to share equal responsibility in joint commitments, you will feel as if you are finally getting somewhere. If, however, there are still some unanswered questions about who is doing what and when, today's the day to get these out into the open. Ignore problems and a wall of silence will build up between you. And then it will be even harder to reach a compromise.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There is no two ways about it, only hard work and serious application will help you get through what you have to do today. A frustrating set back might result in you having to revise some short term goals. Be alert to any hint, clue or symptom that suggests a health problem is beginning and nip this in the bud immediately. In all areas, avoid risks and hazards.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You want more than you are getting out of your life and relationships at the moment and there's nothing at all wrong with that. You must however be willing to take the initiative and take steps to improve your situation. Whatever your worries and however tired you may be through sleepless nights, keep the lines of communication open between you and your loving ties. Being open and honest with others will help strengthen bonds.

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