
A team effort is being spoiled because you cannot get on with the person in charge. The only way you will be able to work together in harmony without ruining the atmosphere for everyone else is to agree on some sort of compromise. This should at least remove the tension temporarily.

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You want to see change and you are going the right way about it. You are making practical decisions and you have a lot of influence on those around you. Your efficient handling of a frustrating dilemma could revolutionise a group project. Your actions are making a difference.

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Spending too much time in your head is starting to make you feel lonely and isolated. Keeping your attention inward is only making it worse for you. Get involved in community activities, group efforts or a charitable organisation. There are some delightful new relationships to be formed through getting out and about.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Something to do with a job you are working on, a group project or a person you are working with is causing you some concern. You won't and can't ignore your feelings and you will be doing something about this very soon.

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You feel obliged to help out a friend or relative whether or not you really want to. They're expecting your support and you will make the effort, there's no question about that. Even so, you can't help feeling as if someone is starting to take advantage of your kindness and generosity.

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A family or domestic issue is starting to get the better of you. You have taken so much on that you aren't able to work to your usual high standards. You're dreading trying to fit in everything that is being expected of you. When worry threatens to overwhelm you, pause and spend a few minutes getting centred.

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Refuse to allow a relative to drag out an argument which they may be enjoying but you are growing tired of. If they are unhappy with a situation, leave them to sort it out on their own. You are suddenly aware of jobs that should have been completed some time ago. An urge to get these out of the way once and for all is irresistible.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Broken appliances need to be fixed. You cannot do without them. Tools and equipment you are buying may be expensive but they are also necessary. A generous friend or relative might come to the rescue. Don't be proud. Accept this offer with gratitude.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A number of things you have put in place over the last few months are now paying dividends. You're aiming to start on something new. Old conditions are about to be ended in preparation for the new. All is going according to plan and this makes you confident you are doing the right thing.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Something will convince you that you are down on your luck. It isn't always easy to admit you're just feeling tired and run down. This is nothing that a bit of peace and quiet can't mend. Your attitude will change as you recharge.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You know it is being expected of you to take on more responsibilities. You realise why you have been chosen for a certain role but you will also insist that you need to complete what has already been started before taking on anything new.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You and a partner or close friend seem to have little left in common with each other. This will be brought home to you after a lengthy conversation. Once it is over you will wonder how you found anything to chat about and on reflection you will realise it was all just small talk.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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