
Sometimes it's hard to know how much to care at work. This is one of those moments. Your colleagues are apathetic about their duties, and nothing you do or say seems to rouse them from their stupor. At some point, you need to scale back your own contributions or you'll burn out. If there's a problem with productivity, your boss needs to address it. If you're in charge of operations, you need to offer incentives for reaching goals.

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Financial setbacks fill you with resentment. You feel like you're being punished for everyone else's irresponsible behaviour. At times like these, you need to summon positive thoughts. The more optimistic your outlook, the easier it will be to recoup your losses. This isn't about getting even with the Universe; it's about protecting your interests. Opportunities related to childcare, gambling, or entertainment could be lucrative.

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It may be impossible to contain your temper with an older relative. They always manage to rain on your parade. The next time he tries to dissuade you from a course of action, tell him how little his opinion means. Better yet, cut him out of your decision making process altogether. You've got a good head on your shoulders, and don't need to affirm your choices with anyone else. Fortunately, your friends are firmly behind you.

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The urge for vindication should be suppressed at all costs. Yes, it's disappointing that a respected expert doesn't recognise your merit. Still, there's nothing you can do about it. You can't afford to jeopardise your reputation through foolish behaviour. Formulate an alternate plan. Overcoming the odds will be the best revenge yet. If you can't gain admission to a school, try serving as an apprentice to someone with experience.

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Friends could pressure you into a situation that makes you uncomfortable. You'll have to take a brave stance. Some so called buddies may drop you as a result. Although it's hurtful, it's also helpful. After all, do you really want to maintain ties with such disloyal people? There may be a lot of money at stake here. Paying a debt or turning down a job may be necessary. Console yourself with the knowledge your decision will be rewarded.

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Someone could challenge your authority, which makes you really angry. You've worked long and hard to get where you are. It's annoying that others don't automatically defer to your expertise but the people you're dealing with are sceptical. A fancy degree or impressive CV isn't enough to impress them. The only way to win them over is by tackling work with your trademark intensity. Soon, you'll win over even the most severe critic.

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Philosophical differences could be undermining a close relationship. You don't like to admit it, but your self image is intricately tied to their opinion. If they disapprove your ego plummets. Breaking this mould is critical to your happiness. Take up a hobby that is entirely separate from your union. Having an interest of your own will give you a stronger sense of self. Learn to play an instrument, take up a foreign language, or study a time honoured craft.

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You're impatient with the progress (or lack thereof) in a relationship. Pushing a new lover into bed will lead to disaster. You need to respect their boundaries. If you're in a relationship, your love life should be showing signs of strain. The best way to fuel the flames of passion is to express interest in their ideas. The more attentive you are, the more receptive they'll be to your advances. When it comes to love, the journey is as important as the destination.

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Your public and private lives could come into conflict. A friend or lover may accuse you of behaving like a hypocrite in order to get ahead. While it's true you downplay your beliefs in the workplace, that doesn't make you a hypocrite. There is a time and place to express your principles. Foisting your political or religious ideals on colleagues is bad manners. If your friend can't understand this, maybe it's time to take a break from your relationship.

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Don't push yourself too hard. Overdoing it at the gym or skimping on exercise could have disastrous results. Take things slow. Give yourself a day off. If you're exhausted, take the day off to catch up on your sleep. Suffering from insomnia? Treat yourself to a massage. It will be easy to drift off once your muscles relax. Don't worry about what your superiors will think of your reduced work schedule. Your health is more important than their opinions.

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Arguments over joint finances are harming a relationship. You need to take a more responsible approach to money. If this means cutting back on luxuries, so be it. You've never been especially materialistic, so this won't be a problem for you. Your partner will feel the effects of the deprivation. Do your best to have fun inexpensively. Picnics, walks through the park, rented movies all of these can ease the strain of living on a shoestring budget.

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A close friend, business partner, or lover could try to dismiss your anger. Don't let it happen. You have every right to be mad. Feel free to express your frustration, even at the risk of disturbing the peace. Normally, you're pretty laid back. The fact you are now tense is significant. It's time your friend acknowledges your feelings, and deals with them accordingly or your relationship will feel like a farce. Get ready to deliver a hard dose of honesty.

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