
You're not getting much sympathy from your best friend, romantic partner or business associate. Your strong desire for freedom is making them nervous. Even the prospect of your going away on a solo trip is triggering arguments. Instead of pressing the issue, make a strategic retreat. Reflect on the best way to strike a balance between independence and intimacy. If you're dealing with someone who is irrationally jealous, it may be time to go your separate ways.

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Working around the clock won't cause your problems to disappear. Take a break from the action and assess the horizon. There are several job opportunities available. Your challenge is to pick the one that will bring the most happiness. That means turning down an offer that pays handsomely, but won't leave much time for leisure. You're an artistic person who needs a life outside work. When this isn't possible, your health suffers. Summon your courage and take a job that gives you intellectual liberty.

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Resist the temptation to create drama to avoid boredom. Although things aren't moving as quickly as you'd like, that will change. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Soon you'll be juggling several jobs simultaneously and you'll look back at this period with longing. Learning to live in the moment is your greatest challenge. Make healthy improvements where you can, accept the things you can't change and say a prayer of gratitude for all that you have.

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There's a difference between being attentive and smothering. It's time to give a loved one a little more room to breathe. Developing your own interests is critical to the health of your relationship. Get into the habit of going on solitary outings. This can involve anything from visiting nature spots, shopping in nearby cities or exploring historical landmarks. Later, you'll have interesting things to discuss. It's good to spend quality time with your nearest and dearest, but don't let this become a trap.

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You're not getting much support from friends, relatives and neighbours. They may accuse you of being selfish. Although you don't see a problem with your behaviour, you don't like being left in the cold. Try being objective. You do have a tendency to lose sight of the world when you're having fun. Is it possible your activities are creating problems for the people around you? Are you spending so much time online or on the phone that you've detached from key relationships?

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Try not to put too much emphasis on money. Getting caught up in material matters will undermine your confidence. Your bank account has no bearing on your personal worth. Your family needs you to thrive. When you start worrying about bills, turn your attention to domestic pursuits. You don't have to spend a lot to have a great time together. Preparing a delicious meal together will serve as a potent reminder of how truly blessed you are. Abundance comes in many different forms.

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Resist the temptation to mask hurt feelings. Pretending everything is fine when you're hurting will only deepen your problems. If people are insensitive to your needs, do something nice for yourself. This isn't the best time to get a makeover, but you will benefit from a spa treatment. Food has always been a profound source of pleasure for you. If you decide to splash out on a gourmet meal, order something you always enjoy. A special from the menu that sounds intriguing will be disappointing.

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You feel pressured to repress your emotions for the sake of your loved ones. Telling the truth will cause some major disruptions in your daily routine. That may be a blessing in disguise. Bringing up a troubling problem will ease some health problems you've been suffering. Headaches and back pain are symptoms of a larger issue. Get this matter off your chest. Talk to a trusted friend or professional counsellor. It will feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Friends have become too dependent on you. While you enjoy being needed, you don't want to be responsible for your loved ones' problems. Set some healthy boundaries. Don't take calls after a certain time. Wait an hour before responding to text messages and emails. If it's inconvenient to meet someone, say so. Some people will accuse you of being cruel, but that's because they're terrified of handling problems themselves. That's not your fault. Stop getting drawn into these dramas.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A strong drive for achievement has caused you to lose sight of important relationships. Spending more time with your family is critical. Getting a great job will be meaningless without a loving support network. If your ties to kin are strained, it would be wise to develop a group of close friends. Being able to let down your guard with trustworthy people will relieve stress. These relationships will also give your life a multi-dimensional aspect that is healthy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It won't be possible to deal with an emotional conflict in a rational manner. You have to face the truth of your feelings, no matter how painful. If you don't like being in the company of a sociable person, you shouldn't feel compelled to be friends. Similarly, you shouldn't feel pressured to maintain ties with a relative who was always cold to you as a child. Obeying your impulses will boost your confidence. It will also allow you to sleep easier. Ignoring emotions creates conflict and anxiety.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Money has become a tool for control in a relationship. It's time to break the cycle. Getting a job of your own is a scary prospect. Push past your fears and interview for a position that speaks to your strengths. Earning regular pay will be empowering. If someone depends on you for funds, it may be best to give them a discretionary fund. Monitoring their spending will only lead to resentment. Take this opportunity to discuss financial arrangements in an open, honest way.

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