
You must be realistic about your plans. If you want to climb the ladder to success, you must get advanced training. It will also help to get hands-on experience. Working as an intern or apprentice won't bring in money, but it will improve job prospects. Do you feel isolated? Call some friends and invite them to lunch. It may take several tries to get back into their rotations, so be patient and persistent. Breaking up the days with pleasant interludes will boost your energy.

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A romantic obsession is making you miserable. Don't make a move on an old friend. This will put terrible strain on your relationship. Putting some distance between you will be therapeutic. Your heart will start to heal and you'll find a more appropriate way forward. Do you feel unwanted? You're not giving yourself enough credit. So many people appreciate and adore you. Get into the habit of accepting compliments and thanks with a big smile. Stop brushing off praise and gratitude.

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It's time to address the elephant in the room. You and your partner have been working at cross purposes. Unless you both change your priorities, you will continue growing apart. You must spend quality time together if your relationship will survive. You're a lot more sentimental than you pretend. Make a choice based on what makes you feel comfortable. A familiar path will make you feel centred, strong and healthy. That's a fabulous gift to give yourself.

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Accepting more work assignments will be cause for regret. You only have one pair of hands. Although the prospect of making lots more money is tempting, you won't be able to handle the additional responsibility. Working around the clock is not possible. Heaping yourself with criticism doesn't do any good either. You are a work in progress. Keep telling yourself that you're fabulous. Every time you try something new, give yourself a reward. When you're too scared or tired, give yourself a break.

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What was once a fairy tale romance has been plunged into a deep, dark forest. You can't find anything positive about this union anymore. It is possible to recapture your love for each other. Stop focusing on your amour's many wonderful qualities. If you're single, you are starting to despair of meeting anyone special. The right person will arrive when you least expect it. Distract yourself by lavishing yourself with love, affection and gifts. When you treat yourself well, others will follow your example.

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Are you eager to sign a contract? Don't be so quick to sign on the dotted line. Show this document to a lawyer. They'll immediately detect several clauses that work against your interests. Instead of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, renegotiate. Just because you experienced disappointments in childhood does not mean you are doomed to failure. Now you're older, you can take control over your life. Make decisions based on what will make you happy, rather than what others will think.

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Be truthful when assessing someone's contributions. Pretending to admire their work will do more harm than good. Be specific about what needs to change. If they're incapable of altering their habits, you will have to go your separate ways. Find a more talented collaborator. Your resources are limited. This is mainly because you have difficulty turning down people's requests for money. Stop feeling compelled to donate to every charity and to pay when you're out for dinner. There's nothing selfish about keeping your income.

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This isn't a good time to splash out on luxuries. It's much better to conserve your resources. If you want to show your affection for a child or loving partner, spend quality time together. Arrange an outing that's geared to their interests. The opportunity to get expert training will fall into your lap. Taking this course will require you to radically overhaul your schedule. You might have to find a dog walker, cut back your hours at work or delegate responsibilities to relatives or roommates.

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Your dreams are different from your family's expectations. Instead of trying to win favour with them, follow your heart. This will cause a great deal of anger and resentment. Your loved ones see you as an extension of themselves. Correct this misconception. Fear of competition makes you hesitant to apply for a job. Push past your anxiety and send your CV anyway. You'll be delighted when you are called for an interview. You're more desirable than you realise.

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A charming person has wrapped you around their little finger. Don't give away too much information about yourself in the early stages. You'll soon realise this newcomer is quite manipulative. It's best to establish some healthy boundaries in this relationship. Stop competing with a relative or neighbour. You each have your own strengths. It's only natural your lives will take different directions. Instead of looking wistfully at their things, count your blessings. Envy will stop gnawing at you, allowing you to cultivate contentment.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Neither a lender nor a borrower be. Giving a friend a loan will put terrible strain on your relationship. Keep your hard-earned cash in the bank. If a loved one asks you to invest in their business, give a polite but firm refusal. Are you worried about your financial future? It's time to make some long-term investments. Having a retirement portfolio will give you some breathing room. You'll be able to choose jobs based on your interests, rather than economic need.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've been pouring so much energy into work that you have stopped developing a creative project. It's time to adjust your focus. Devoting more energy to a book, song or design will make your eyes sparkle with happiness. Be willing to disappoint your boss. Stop assuming you are underqualified for a job. Your experience may not be conventional, but it is significant. Thanks to your ability to offer something different to an organisation, you'll be awarded the top position. Go out and celebrate.

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