
Your personal and professional lives are pulling you in two. Take a few days off to indulge in some self-pampering. Your colleagues and loved ones are bound to complain, wanting to have you for themselves. If you keep catering to their demands, you'll become angry and resentful. Instead of pouring your heart and soul into relationships, you'll sabotage them. Rather than striving to achieve more career success, you'll let important assignments fall through the cracks.

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A simple conversation will turn into a power struggle. A neighbour or relative is very jealous of you. You hadn't realised this until now, when you hear the bitterness in their voice for the first time. Instead of trying to appeal to their common sense, you should back off. Spending time apart will give you a more realistic perspective. Think back on times when you had good news to share. What was their reaction? Were you congratulated or patronised? With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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You're not sure whether you want to enter into a serious relationship or remain fancy free. It's time to make a decision. If the thought of being without your amour is intolerable, it's time to make a commitment. Once you take the plunge, you'll find that having an exclusive relationship is wonderful. The single life is fun, but it doesn't lead anywhere. It's time to overcome your fear of setting down roots. Creating a happy life with someone special will be much more rewarding than playing the dating game.

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It will be necessary to cancel personal plans for the sake of your job. This makes you very resentful, but it can't be helped. You're laying the groundwork for a successful career. By demonstrating your willingness to go the extra mile, you'll get a nice promotion. You'll be able to reschedule a fancy dinner or relaxing holiday. You won't find a better opportunity to showcase your leadership ability. Clear your schedule and focus on the task in hand.

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Perfectionism will get you in trouble. It's better to deliver a flawed project by a deadline than ask for extra time. People are relying on you to deliver important information. If you fail to do so, your reputation will suffer. Although it's admirable you want to do a good job, you must keep the big picture in mind. When time is of the essence, it's better to cover the canvas in broad strokes than obsess over insignificant details.

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You can't fill an emotional void with a lot of luxurious purchases. Keep your credit cards safe in your wallet. Turn your attention inward. What is really troubling you? Are you working around the clock without relief? When was the last time you enjoyed time with friends? Set some healthy boundaries. Stop working overtime and schedule a few lunches and dinners with loved ones. You'll enjoy catching up with people who understand your quirks and admire your intelligence.

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You're being pulled in many different directions. Resist the temptation to satisfy all parties. If your employer has been making unfair demands on you, say so. Continuing to put in long hours for little reward is a losing game. It's more important to take time for yourself. It doesn't matter whether this means going away or leaving work early for a child's rehearsal. The important thing is to assert your need for a private life. If you don't stand up for yourself, nobody else will.

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Acting from a place of fear will backfire. It's much better to summon the courage of your convictions. Even if you fall short of your goal, you will earn the admiration of your peers. Speak as you find. Tell an abusive person exactly what you think of their behaviour. You may be dismissed from a job or dropped from an organisation. There are worse things than being rejected from a toxic arrangement. Once you are free, you'll attract a much better opportunity.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is not a good time to burn bridges. Someone who has annoyed you won't completely leave your life. You'll cross paths again. That's why it's important to disengage with a minimum of fuss. Instead of meting out justice, focus on preserving your dignity. Lean on supportive friends for strength. Although you've been terribly mistreated, there's not much you can do to recoup the loss. Get out now and make a fresh start. Be grateful you have the talent and intelligence to cultivate a much happier life.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It will be difficult to collaborate. You have a specific idea of what should be done. The rest of the group will insist on going in another direction. You have to decide whether it's worth staying with this organisation. Going off on your own will be more difficult than you think. You won't have the same level of influence. It may be best to go with the programme and keep your head down. After this job has been done and dusted, you'll get a clearer sense of which path to take.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Too many cooks spoil the broth. A lack of leadership is causing an important project to fall apart. No matter how much you try to maintain focus, it will be impossible to move forward. Be prepared for a bitter disappointment. Your group will lose a contract or have its rating downgraded. This will be embarrassing, but it can't be helped. Sometimes a big setback has to occur for changes to be made. Hang on and hope for the best.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A loved one is not listening to reason. Instead of arguing, turn your attention to a more productive channel. Working on a writing, music or design project will boost your self-esteem. Once you put the finishing touches on this work, you'll be in a much better position to assess your connection. You may decide to break off a relationship that makes you feel devalued. You have a good head on your shoulders. It's time you were recognised for your common sense and good judgement.

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