
Your bright ideas win you the respect of relatives and colleagues alike. You may have to exert some discipline at home, as much as it pains you to do so. On the outside, you seem like a tough taskmaster, but inside, you're as soft as a marshmallow. Still, it's important to set down rules in the interest of harmony. Letting everybody do their own thing without regard to others is a recipe for disaster.

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If you've been thinking about moving, now is a good time to look. Check out an expensive, exclusive neighbourhood that has always appealed to you. You just might find something within your price range, provided you keep an open mind. Educating yourself about the property market will help you negotiate a sweet deal that is beyond even your wildest dreams. Long-term investments appeal to your need for security so wait until the new year before you make any decisions.

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A raise, promotion, or steady stream of income improves your financial prospects considerably. If you've got any outstanding debts, pay them off as soon as possible. Remember it's more important to repay pals than credit card companies. True, big companies charge steep interest rates, but you can't put a price on friendship. Working out of your home is a distinct possibility. Make the proposal if a prospective employer doesn't mention it as an option.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're feeling more and more confident about your communication skills, and justifiably so. It's better to state your feelings from the outset than have people try to predict your moods. Take your cues from an older man whom you've always admired. Acquiring his emotional maturity will allow you to handle stressful situations that once floored you. Don't be afraid of confrontations; they can result in terrific breakthroughs.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Establishing a self-improvement routine gives you a terrific sense or pride and accomplishment. In the past, you've given up too easily on health regimes. An active person like you needs some physical outlet to stay happy and balanced. Getting involved with a team sport is a good possibility, as is adopting a spiritual practice like yoga. Whatever good habits you decide to instil, you can be sure they will have material and emotional rewards.

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Leading a large group draws out impressive hidden talents. You've never considered yourself to be much of a leader, but that's only because you've been selling yourself short. The fact is, you have a sense of organisation that most executives lack. By showing people simple strategies for becoming more efficient, you'll win their everlasting devotion. Don't be surprised if you're offered some teaching opportunities in the near future.

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Your reputation as a hard worker is on the rise, which leads to spiritual contentment. Although you've always led people to believe you don't really care what they think of your efforts, the opposite is actually true. Being recognised for your contributions may inspire you to make some renovations to your household. Creating a home office or revamping a storage space will increase your productivity even further. Give yourself room to expand personally and professionally!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Getting an official diploma or certificate opens exciting new doors for you. Mixing with an accomplished group of people helps you see just how great your potential really is. You could feel an intellectual kinship with an older person you meet at a party. Forming a creative partnership may be just the nudge you need to develop your artistic talent. Stop telling yourself you're not imaginative; nothing could be further from the truth.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Normally, you've got a healthy distrust of authority figures, but that could change today. Somebody with impressive credentials could offer to help you. Although putting your faith in this person involves an element of risk, you should do it anyway. Several lucrative job offers may arrive as a result. If you've never given thought to pursuing a serious career, maybe you should begin. Having a vocation is more rewarding than you think.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Making a serious commitment to a romantic or business partner comes as a welcome relief. Now that you have a little support, you can devote your energies to the interests that really interest you. Going back to a childhood hobby or exploring a whole new subject makes work seem less draining. In fact, you may develop a new love for your job. Stranger things have happened. The important thing is to expand your horizons.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Personal sacrifices are necessary if you're going to meet obligations to friends. They have gone out of their way to help you in the past; now it's time to return the favour. Fortunately, you're in an inventive frame of mind right now, and may discover a way to repay these debts in a way that is actually lots of fun. Spending an hour or two alone will fuel your imagination. Keep distractions at bay.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Taking a romantic commitment to the next level is scary but thrilling. You absolutely hate being tied down, but you're going to have to relinquish some of your independent ways if you're going to hang on to a special love interest. In the event you're single, consider what changes you have to make to invite romance into your life. Making physical space for somebody else may be the first step on this blissful journey.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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